[arch-haskell] What to do now?

Rémy Oudompheng remyoudompheng at gmail.com
Sat Oct 12 07:36:43 UTC 2013

Rémy Oudompheng <remyoudompheng at gmail.com> wrote:
> I imagine:
> - keeping ghc + several basic modules in extra/community for bootstrapping
> - a darcs repo one for the scripts
> * a script that builds packages (possibly inspired by devtools, for
> example an analogue of archbuild taking multiple arguments)
> * a script handling rebuilds (build all reverse dependencies of
> something in the right order) possibly just an option to the previous
> script
> * a script that updates a given collection of PKGBUILDs by calling cabal2arch
> * a script that moves built packages to the repositories (like
> commitpkg in devtools)

As a proof of concept, here is a set of scripts I used today:
* archhaskellbuild is a customised version of archbuild from devtools
* makechrootpkg-aufs is makechrootpkg using aufs as it did several
months ago, mounting a local repo inside the chroot
* print-cabal-urls.hs is a script printing filenames for latest
versions of packages in Hackage
* batch-cabal2arch downloads the tarballed cabal files from Hackage
and runs cabal2arch on it.
* buildlibs/buildall do a batch compilation of all packages in naive
alphabetical order (buildlibs does only haskell-*)

They can be used to power a buildbot with minimal feature set.

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