[arch-haskell] Stepping down from Arch work

Magnus Therning magnus at therning.org
Sat Oct 12 07:36:39 UTC 2013

On 08/10/10 19:02, Don Stewart wrote:
> Actually, I think I'm done.  I will step down as AUR and Arch Linux
> maintainer on Monday, to focus my efforts upstream, on Hackage itself.
> I'm going to release the rest of tools I have in a darcs repo this weekend,
> and try to document on the wiki any other processes that are active.
> Most of them you already know about (cabal2arch, the archlinux package, and
> the support scripts). I'll leave it up to this team to work out if they want
> to keep supporting:
>     The cabal2arch tool
>         http://code.haskell.org/~dons/code/cabal2arch/
>     The archlinux support package
>         http://code.haskell.org/~dons/code/archlinux/
>     The IRC channel
>     The mailing list
>     The blog
>         http://archhaskell.wordpress.com/
>     The package status page
>         http://code.haskell.org/arch/arch-haskell-status.html
>     The twitter account
>         http://twitter.com/archhaskell
>     The RSS feed
>         http://code.haskell.org/arch/aur.xml
>     The Hackage reverse package map
>         http://www.galois.com/~dons/cabalArchMap.txt
>     The wiki
>         http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Arch_Linux
> It's been an interesting 2 years running this stuff, and this group has led
> the Haskell community to demonstrate how well a distro can support Haskell,
> particularly through the use of automated tools taking advantage of the
> declarative nature of Cabal.
> But it's time for me to focus my energies higher up the stack.
> Those interested in picking up parts of the work, please let me know.

Thanks for your hard work, you have, largely single-handedly, made Arch into
the best Linux distro for Haskell developers.

Now we just have to figure out how many people are required to fill in
for you


Magnus Therning                        (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus@therning.org           Jabber: magnus@therning.org
http://therning.org/magnus         identi.ca|twitter: magthe

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