[arch-haskell] Near past, present & future

Abhishek Dasgupta abhidg at gmail.com
Sat Oct 12 07:34:08 UTC 2013

2008/11/15 Don Stewart <dons at galois.com>:
> I've a longer discussion prepared, but would like to also
> start a discussion about 2009 goals for the Haskell support on our
> distro.

Sometimes we need to package haskell packages which have
their dependencies in AUR. I suppose for most common Haskell
applications, the dependencies will be taken care of by having
haskell-platform installed, but it would be nice to have some
way of having the dependency auto-updated in the case it has
to be added to [community] manually.

BTW, what happened to the x86_64 repository for Haskell packages?

As vegai mentioned, it is certainly not neccessary to have all
packages of Haskell packaged :) But it can be done easily now,
we just need a server to build the packages. At least Haskell
PKGBUILDs should continue to be uploaded to AUR.


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