[arch-haskell] Improve user experience with Haskell

Magnus Therning magnus at therning.org
Mon Dec 30 10:04:03 UTC 2013

On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 07:31:01PM +0100, Fabien Dubosson wrote:
> So to improve user experience with Haskell I suggest two improvements:
>   1. Create a `Haskell` page in the wiki to explain:
>     - What is Haskell
>     - The different ways to handle packages (AUR/Cabal/ArchHaskell)
>     - All other Haskell-related stuffs (Haskell-platform, etc...)

Excellent initiative for improvements.  Just please make sure to also
include some text mentioning that there are official Haskell packages
living in [extra] & [community].

>   2. Remove from AUR all `haskell-*` packages that are both:
>     - Not needed as dependency of another package, and
>     - Orphan

I suspect you'll run into objections to removing these packages, since
/removing/ is what is normally done, /orphaning/ is.  In this
particular case I think removing /is/ called for though:

 - The original maintainer of ArchHaskell, who did use AUR to host
   packages, added /a lot/ of packages; in the order of 2000 or so.
   Many of these have remained orphaned for more than a year (I
   believe).  Removing them would clean up AUR and they are unlikely
   to be missed.

 - It's likely that many of the packages are unmaintained upstream
   now, so at least these packages ought to be removed.  However,
   sifting out the unmaintained packages out of such a significant
   number of packages is nearly a herculean task, better to just
   remove them all.


Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4 
email: magnus at therning.org   jabber: magnus at therning.org
twitter: magthe               http://therning.org/magnus

Finagle's First Law:
To study a subject best, understand it thoroughly before you start.
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