No subject

Thu Jul 5 12:38:43 CEST 2012

I'm new to Haskell, so I'm not able to comment on packaging strategies.
I simply listen to what experts say, trying to make my own sense of it.

Mateusz  =C5=81oskot
(sent  from mobile,  apology for top-post or broken quotes)
On 15 Oct 2012 17:22, "Ramana Kumar" <ramana at> wrote:

> It is possible and desirable to manage haskell packages with pacman on
> Arch Linux!
> It is just not perfect yet - the arch-haskell project needs your help.
> Perhaps you could point Ian Ross this way too.
> (For me personally, using the [haskell] and [haskell-extra] repositories
> has worked out well so far, and it's nice knowing everything is managed
> properly by pacman.)
> On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 5:16 PM, Mateusz Loskot <mateusz at>wrote=
>> On 15 October 2012 11:00, Thomas Friedrich <info at> wrote:
>> > 2012/10/13 Fabio Riga <rifabio at>:
>> >> 2012/10/13 Ramana Kumar <ramana at>
>> >>>
>> >>> I'm not sure why that error happened but it happened to me too.
>> >>
>> >> The problem seems to be that those files were not part of any package=
>> >> but now are in ghc.
>> >>
>> >>> I removed the offending files manually and tried again, and ran into
>> more problems (although everything installed, there were many warnings
>> about interface files
>> >>> being the wrong version and being skipped).
>> >>> So I'm not sure what the correct way out is. Perhaps it will require
>> some manual removals then reinstalls.
>> >>
>> >> This is a problem with ghc-pkg version. For previous version of ghc I
>> had to do:
>> >>
>> >>   $ pacman -Rcs ghc
>> >>
>> >> then reinstall ghc and needed haskell-* packages. I think you'll want
>> >> to remove the offending files before installing ghc again. I hope thi=
>> >> solve the problem.
>> >
>> >
>> > Why is it that every single time there is a ghc-update, I have to
>> > remove everything and reinstall everything haskell related. Haskell is
>> > such a cool language but keeping a Haskell environment up-to-date is
>> > sometimes just a real pain.
>> As Haskell newbie and new born Hakyll users, I've found recent
>> replies [1] by Ian Ross interesting:
>> "I'm also using Arch Linux on x86_64.  I would strongly recommend *not*
>> using the Arch packages for most Haskell things.  I use hsenv instead."
>> I haven't switched myself and I still use the packages, but I started to
>> wonder if Ian's got the point indeed.
>> [1]
>> Best regards,
>> --
>> Mateusz Loskot,
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<p>Ramana, <br>

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