[arch-haskell] [arch-general] (for Vesa and other Arch Devs on the list) Re: GHC 7.4.1 or HP 2011.4.0.0??

Mike Ledger eleventynine at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 10:35:24 CET 2012

I'll emerge from my lurk-cave to say:

Agreed. Trying to stick to the HP is more often than not a hinderence: what
would be really great is the latest "core" Haskell packages -- cabal, ghc,
base libraries etc. -- be available in extra/whatever repo, but that's
about all that I could reasonably ask for. Trying to maintain a huge number
of binary packages from Hackage, when they all update differently, depend
on different packages which themselves might update unpredictably etc. so
far yields mostly-out-of-date Haskell packages.

- Mike.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Matthew Farkas-Dyck <strake888 at gmail.com>wrote:

> Drop HP. If I want a certain package, I'll get it myself.
> Cheers,
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