[arch-haskell] keeping in sync

Fabio Riga rifabio at gmail.com
Sun Dec 16 14:04:50 CET 2012

2012/12/4 Magnus Therning <magnus at therning.org>
> Yeah, that's my bad.  I sometimes start updates and builds in the
> morning and then check in on them during the day.  If they succeed I
> push the new packages to the repo, but I only have write access to the
> github repos from my home computer.  I always plan to push the changes
> as soon as I get home, but you know what they say about the best laid
> schemes of mice and men; I sometimes forget and it might go days
> before I remember.

Sometimes it happens to me too, but no other repo is depending on
mine, so nobody happens to know this!

> > This are my suggestions:
> >
> > 1. Magnus keep a [haskell-base] repository. This MUST be an Arch repo
> > in sync with a github repo.
> > 2. Both repositories (Arch and git) should be available for
> > maintainers of other repository.
> > 3. Maintainer of [haskell-web] (me) MUST update it's repo to keep in
> > sync with base in a reasonable time.
> > 4. After this time a “global maintainer” (Magnus, Ramana, me, whoever)
> > can grab all packages from both repositories and put them in a new
> > one: [haskell]
> > 5. Only [haskell] is intended for end users.
> >
> > A “reasonable time” could be 3 days. I saw that Magnus updates the
> > repo on Wednesday and on Saturday/Sunday: so before the next update
> > [haskell-web] should be in sync.
> >
> > I developed [haskell-web] in a way that it will not duplicate packages
> > from [haskell]: I use them as DistroPkg. Updating is easy with
> > `cbladmin` [^1], there's no need to modify `cblrepo`, maybe you could
> > merge (and develop) some ideas from there. But this is not the main
> > point. The main point is to be in sync, or else I'm just wasting my
> > time, as [haskell-web] will never be really useful.
> The big piece that's missing above is how to handle failures to
> upgrade a package caused by a dependant not allowing the upgrade.  Do
> we hold off the base-test repo then?
> I currently upgrade everything I can in one transaction, what if one
> of the packages requires holding back due to a dependant.  Would that
> require a partial roll-back in the base-test repo?
> It's questions like these that I don't have a good answer to.  And
> yes, both situations have occurred in the past.  They both cause a bit
> of work (though not so much if they are caught already at 'clbrepo
> updates' time).

I think here you are right, we don't have a real solution to this. In
these days there are some discussions going in the haskell-cafè
mailing list about the mess with cabal. The problem is not cabal,
cblrepo or our different approaches to packaging for Arch. The problem
is hackage.

Every developer use different version of dependencies: someone is fast
in keeping up-to-date, someone is more conservative, someone simply
hasn't enough time to dedicate to his project and some projects are
abandoned. We have to decide how many packages we want to include in
[haskell] repo, and this depends on the approach we take: the
up-to-date or the conservative.

I call conservative what seems to have most consensus in haskell
community: haskell-platform. There are A LOT of packages that simply
don't work with ghc-7.6, because it's bleeding edge (the assumption
is: if it is newer than HP, it's bleeding edge). This also was Arch
approach until the switch from ghc-7.04 to 7.4.1. I feel that  if we
use HP, our repository can be much more bigger and Arch haskellers can
compile the most of hackage, if not packaged in archhaskell. The BIG
drawback is that we'll have to avoid updating for the most active
packages, and we will easily end up with the dependency nightmare.

The up-to-date approach is what both of us are doing. I feel is more
like in the Arch way and, IMHO, the right thing to do. There will be
less packages in [haskell], but they are the most active ones. When a
change in a dependency break a dependant, we usually should wait only
few days. If the broken package persist, we will decide if taking it
out from the repo or to switch to the conservative approach. Yes, this
will happen and could require a partial roll-back, but I think it will
be less frequent and easier to solve than trying to keep HP with less
up-to-date packages.

There are two other solutions: a more static approach and
nix/cabal-dev/something similar.

The static way could be: take Haskell Platform and build a repo with
as much packages as possible, the most updated version that work, then
stop. The next HP release (or every 6 months) repeat again. Isn't it
the Ubuntu way? Maybe it's easier, but I don't like it.

If somebody is for the cabal-dev approach, he surely would find the
archhaskell effort useless. Still I don't see the point in cabal-dev,
as projects are compiled statically. But this is off-topic here.

Sorry for my verbosity, and this isn't a real answer to the problem,
but I wanted to explain my view to ask: what is our goal? Why can't we
try to follow the path we have already taken? Let's go on, after all,
merging the repos is not such a big change!


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