[arch-haskell] Haskell's state in Arch & near future

Peter Hercek phercek at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 11:03:57 CET 2011

On 11/07/2011 12:02 AM, Magnus Therning wrote:
> That's not such a big problem per se. The real issue is when some 
> packages don't move up to 7.2.1 but we want to. In the past I've sent 
> out emails to upstream maintainers to encourage them to update. So far 
> that has worked fairly well, but I don't think that will be the case 
> always. Then we're faced with the option of either keeping everything 
> thing back, update the package ourselves, or drop the package 
> completely. Neither option is very good.

Such packages should be dropped by default. That is the only option 
since we do not have resources to overtake maintenance of all the 
packages as original maintainers will go unresponsive. There may be 
somebody in arch-haskell who needs the packages and he/she may want to 
overtake their maintenance. So it would be a good idea to post to 
arch-haskell which packages are going to be dropped if a new maintainer 
is not found in arch-haskell.


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