[arch-haskell] AUR Comment for arbtt

AUR Feedback simons at cryp.to
Fri Mar 18 15:12:20 CET 2011

from http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=39703
tzok wrote:

In the PKGBUILD there are more broken dependencies than haskell-time.
It is because they use equality sign '=' which requires that exactly
this version is installed and no other. With new ghc in [extra]
repository, those packages have higher version numbers.

I have modified PKGBUILD and changed all '=' into '>=' in dependencies
section which helped. But there was also one issue with haskell-parsec
being in version 3.1.1 while arbtt.cabal explicitly required version
2.*. I have modified it too and then successfully compiled arbtt. It
is working now :).

Here is my modified PKGBUILD: http://pastebin.com/egaA41Hd

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