[arch-haskell] On datafiles in libraries

Rémy Oudompheng remyoudompheng at gmail.com
Mon Jan 10 08:59:38 CET 2011

On 2011/1/9 Peter Simons <simons at cryp.to> wrote:
> Hi Rémy,
>  > Since I had the patches on my local repository, I pushed them
>  > upstream.
> thank you for the fixes. I have another patch that simplifies the
> library a bit: IMHO, we can drop the 'ArchPackage' data type, because
> it's unused. Or do you think we'd still need that one?

I added it because I thought it was a better type for the output of
the conversion function (since the output is really a PKGBUILD + Maybe
an install script), but I didn't use it yet. I'd prefer keeping it for
the moment.


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