[arch-haskell] On rebuilding dependencies...

Adam Vogt vogt.adam at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 09:35:05 EST 2010

* On Monday, January 11 2010, Magnus Therning wrote:

>Do I need to worry about messages such as this when running 'pacman -Su'?
>(31/60) upgrading haskell-x11
>Reading package info from stdin ... done.
>Writing new package config file... done.
>ghc-pkg: unregistering X11-xft-0.3 would break the following packages:
>xmonad-contrib-0.9 (use --force to override)
>error: command failed to execute correctly
>Is there some way to avoid this that is easier than 'pacman -Rncs
>xmonad-contrib; pacman -S xmonad-contrib'?

Perhaps the register scripts should be modified to give ghc-pkg the
--force flag: after all, packages get broken when pacman removes the
files anyways.


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