[arch-haskell] ghc-6.10.2 in testing

Don Stewart dons at galois.com
Tue Apr 7 18:18:32 EDT 2009

> Hey,
> The new ghc is just a simple verbump at least for now. It doesn't try
> to do anything intelligent for your cabalized or cabal2arch packages,
> so all those do break.

"break" in the sense that they're now registered but won't have an
appropriate compiler installed.
> I'm interested in ideas how to mitigate these issues... now, it seems
> to me that they cannot very much, and the most we can do is unregister
> everything prior to upgrading and informing the user of this.


If we could at least list the names (and commands to reinstall )
packages that are about to break (all haskell-* on the system), that
might be nice.

Essentially, something like:

    "WARNING: the following packages will need to be reinstalled:
        pacman -Qs haskell-

    local/haskell-xauth 0.1-1
        A binding to the X11 authentication library
        Parses XML files used by the XCB project
    local/haskell-xhtml 3000.2.0.1-1
        An XHTML combinator library
    local/haskell-xml 1.3.4-1
        A simple XML library.
    local/haskell-xml-basic 0.0.1-1
        Basics for XML/HTML representation and processing
    local/haskell-yogurt 0.3-1
        A MUD client library
        Library for creating and modifying zip archives.
        Compression and decompression in the gzip and zlib formats
    local/haskell-zoneinfo 0.3-1
        ZoneInfo library.


> Also, none of the community packages are built against this yet, so
> those will break as well.


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