[arch-haskell] Pugs (Perl 6) in AUR

Don Stewart dons at galois.com
Sat Jun 21 23:22:47 EDT 2008

Forwarded from the Arch Haskell list, as I think this is generally noteworthy.


Pugs, the one and only Perl 6 in Haskell implementation, was cabalised
and uploaded to hackage.haskell.org today by Audrey and the Perl 6 team.
5 minutes later it landed in AUR, courtesy of cabal2arch :)

This is one of the more visible Haskell applications, and the only Perl 6
implementation we've handy, so worth testing that it builds OK.

You can also get x86_64 binaries from the [haskell] overlay,


Happy Perl6 hacking!

-- Don (for the Arch Haskell team)


The following brings me great joy:

  $ sudo pacman -Sy 
  :: Synchronizing package databases...
   testing is up to date
   core is up to date
   extra is up to date
   community is up to date
   haskell      52.1K   91.2K/s 00:00:01 [##########################################] 100%
   local database is up to date

  $ pacman -Ss pugs
  haskell/haskell-pugs-compat 0.0.3-1
      Portable Haskell/POSIX layer for Pugs
      DrIFT with pugs-specific rules.
  haskell/haskell-pugs-hsregex 1.0-1
      Haskell PCRE binding
  haskell/haskell-pugs-hssyck 0.41-1
      Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper
      A Perl 6 Implementation

  $ sudo pacman -S pugs 
  resolving dependencies...
  looking for inter-conflicts...

  Targets: pugs-  

  Total Download Size:    2.20 MB
  Total Installed Size:   10.05 MB

  Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
  :: Retrieving packages from haskell...
   pugs-     2.2M  519.5K/s 00:00:04 [##########################################] 100%
  checking package integrity...
  (1/1) checking for file conflicts                   [##########################################] 100%
  (1/1) installing pugs                               [##########################################] 100%

  $ pugs
   /\   __ \                                                        
   \ \  \/\ \ __  __  ______  ______     (P)erl 6                
    \ \   __//\ \/\ \/\  __ \/\  ___\    (U)ser's           
     \ \  \/ \ \ \_\ \ \ \/\ \ \___  \   (G)olfing      
      \ \__\  \ \____/\ \____ \/\_____\  (S)ystem           
       \/__/   \/___/  \/___/\ \/____/                           
                         /\____/             Version:
                         \/___/    Copyright 2005-2007, The Pugs Contributors
   Web: http://pugscode.org/           Email: perl6-compiler at perl.org 

  Welcome to Pugs -- Perl6 User's Golfing System
  Type :h for help.

  Loading Prelude... done.
  pugs> 1+2
  pugs> Leaving pugs.

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