I can no longer maintain containers

Milan Straka milan at strakovi.com
Sun Apr 3 23:18:46 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I am writing to let you know that I am no longer able to maintain the
containers package.

I have enjoyed working on containers for several years, but I can no
longer find the time needed for the job (with two little kids
and building a house).

I am not sure what is the best future of the containers package -- it
could go to CLC, or it could get a new maintainer. If you look at the
commit logs and on the github issues/requests, you will find out that
David Feuer has a thorough understanding of the package (notably
Data.Sequence) and has been competently moderating the issues/requests
for some time now, so he would be the first choice. (I did not contact
him sooner, so it is surprise for him as well -- sorry, David :-)

Could I humbly ask David/CLC members/anyone for comments?

Milan Straka

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