Language extension idea (was Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: OCaml list
Tom Pledger
tpledger at
Sat Oct 9 04:08:16 EDT 2004
>I dont see why you cannot change the "implementation"
>of lists without changing the "interface"... Good old lists will
>behave like good old lists - just the implementation would try
>and take advantage of blocking of the data wherever possible.
>Perhaps a pragma to change the implementation of lists would ne
>be a sensible way of selecting the implementation.
A phrase of the form "an X to change the implementation of Y" makes me
think of X="instance" and Y="a class".
Something along these lines:
class List l a | l -> a where
nil :: l
cons :: a -> l -> l
But that's not of much use, because there isn't a class method to
recover the elements of a List. We could add more methods (corresponding
to null, head, and tail), but perhaps it would be neater if class
members could be data constructors?
import Prelude hiding (null, head, tail)
import Data.PackedString
class List l a | l -> a where
-- note the capital letters in Nil and Cons
Nil :: l
Cons :: a -> l -> l
instance List PackedString Char where
-- construction
Nil = nilPS
Cons = consPS
-- pattern matching; not sure of a good syntax for this,
-- but try reusing the reserved word 'case' as a function name
case ifNil ifCons ps
= if nilPS ps then ifNil else ifCons (headPS ps) (tailPS ps)
-- cf. Prelude.maybe, Prelude.either
instance List [a] a where
-- construction
Nil = []
Cons = (:)
-- pattern matching
case ifNil ifCons [] = ifNil
case ifNil ifCons (x:xs) = ifCons x xs
null :: (List l a) => l -> Bool
null Nil = True
null _ = False
head :: (List l a) => l -> a
head (Cons x _) = x
tail :: (List l a) => l -> l
tail (Cons _ xs) = xs
Here are a few more questions which I'm not (yet) qualified to answer:
Would such a language extension be messy to implement? Or would it
perhaps fit neatly with current dictionary-passing schemes?
Would there be other major uses for it, besides a class of list-shaped
things? (Remember the first message in the "OCaml list sees..." thread?
Part of the cited text was "Haskell strings are lists of characters
[...] It's annoying that strings aren't normally processed this way in
OCaml". I, like other posters, wonder whether Haskell could get the best
of both worlds.)
Does Template Haskell, which I haven't studied yet, already do something
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