[Haskell-cafe] Integrating Haskell into a J2EE environment

Vincenzo Ciancia vincenzo_mlRE.MOVE at yahoo.it
Wed Oct 6 16:48:01 EDT 2004

On Tuesday 05 October 2004 23:33, Bhinderwala, Shoeb wrote:
> I came across a few papers that talk about writing a DSL with Haskell
> as the underlying support language. How is this done. Is it possible
> to create a sort of domain specific business scripting language
> easily. How does that then compile to Haskell code. And how can the
> Haskell code be invoked from Java.

You usually write a DSL in haskell as a library, using monads or arrows 
if it is the case, and exploiting monads and arrows syntax facilities. 
Names in libraries represent operations of the DSL, and do not (of 
course) necessarily compute results, but can do many things, including 
generating source code for another language - you can find a lot of 
information on the web, e.g.


One of the most known examples is FRAN (or the more up-to-date Yampa), 
but there actually are a lot of applications from very different 



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