[Yhc] Testing QuickCheck properties with Yhc

Isaac isaacdupree at charter.net
Wed Nov 8 18:25:16 EST 2006

Hash: SHA1

I made a script for testing QuickCheck properties in a module by adding
a line to that file that contains a function
:: IO ()
which tests all properties found in the file when run.
(let us call that ridiculously long name $TESTMAIN_NAME from now on)

To test using ghc, I pass the argument
(where $MODULE_NAME is found out by the script).

To test using Hugs, I do `echo "$TESTMAIN_NAME" | hugs`.

Any advice on how to do the same thing for Yhc -- execute an IO action
defined in the top level of an arbitrary module, but not exported from
the module?


P.S. I'm attaching the script... I'll probably release it officially
some time if I clean it up (e.g. find a good way to do it in a better
and more portable language, like Haskell, maybe? and add some options)

P.P.S. I made this because I didn't like the only existing one I could
find, which didn't even work for me without some hacking.
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Name: TestQuickCheckProperties.sh
Type: application/x-shellscript
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Url : http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/yhc/attachments/20061108/3b84b904/TestQuickCheckProperties.bin

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