[xmonad] CopyQ clipboard manager: misbehaving window?

Jean-Baptiste Mestelan mestelan at gmail.com
Sat Jul 20 22:04:15 UTC 2019


I have been struggling to integrate the CopyQ clipboard manager into my
configuration, because its main window cannot be closed: killing the window
has no effect, and in the context of a scratchpad, the toggle does not work
(the window appears but does not disappear).
Minimizing the window does work; but then, it can only be maximized from
the same workspace, which is not ideal for this use case.

I have come up with a so-so solution: summon the window from a named
scratchpad, and get rid of it by sending it to a NSP workspace:

*("M-a",                     shiftTo Next (WSIs nsp))*
*where nsp = return $ ("NSP" ==) . W.tag*
But it is cumbersome to have to manipulate two distinct keybindings (plus
the latter might send an innocent window into a void).

Is there an obvious solution that I am missing?

PS: to be clear, I am only speaking about the window displayed by the CopyQ
command `*copyq toggle*` (or `*copyq show*`). The smaller floating window
displayed by the CopyQ command `*copyq menu*` does not have this issue; but
is is also limited in functionalities and history length.

PPS: I guess an improvement would be to integrate the above `*shiftTo*`
function into a custom kill function, which would have two cases, depending
of the name of the window. I do not know how to write this however, and
would appreciate any pointers or suggestions.

Thank you for attention.
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