[xmonad] kill -STOP/-CONT hack

vrs vrs+xmonad at synkretie.net
Tue Mar 15 18:53:51 UTC 2016

Quoting Brandon Allbery (2016-03-10 18:39:01)
> http://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib-0.12/docs/XMonad-Layout-Stoppable.html

FWIW, I have considered using this but eventually just wrote a script
that makes for less surprising behavior:
It should be easy enough to translate it into bassh (the only
zsh-specific syntax in there is in line 44).
Dependencies are pgrep, xprop and xclip.
Usage: bind to a key and use to stop the process that spawned a window
(hopefully anyway: not all applications play well when it comes to
It's a bit rough around the edges but works for me (firejail broke
something about it though that I still need to fix).


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