[xmonad] How to run xmonad from development repository

Steffen Schuldenzucker steffen.schuldenzucker at gmail.com
Sun Jun 12 16:58:37 UTC 2016

As a side note, it is also possible to place modules in ~/.xmonad/lib/ and import them into ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs. I've been doing this for prototype extensions not quite ready for inclusion in xmonad-contrib. 

---- asjo at koldfront.dk wrote ----

>Ok, I found that simply uninstalling the Debian packages (maybe that
>wasn't even necessary), and then doing cabal configure && cabal build &&
>cabal install in X11, xmonad, and xmonad-contrib repositories allows me
>to "xmonad --recompile" and use my modified code.
>  Best regards,
>    Adam
> "Accept failure gracefully."                                 Adam Sjøgren
>                                                         asjo at koldfront.dk
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