[xmonad] bluetile: Configuring number of virtual desktops; 2-monitor behavior

Daniel Wagner daniel at wagner-home.com
Sun May 25 02:30:34 UTC 2014

On 2014-05-21 16:39, Filip Miletic wrote:
> 	* How do I configure the number of workspaces to use in bluetile?

Looking at the config, it uses ten. This is pretty standard, since most 
people bind workspaces to keys 0-9. Changing it is easy, though. For 
example, if you only want three, make an xmonad.hs that looks like this:

import XMonad
import XMonad.Config.Bluetile

main = xmonad bluetileConfig
     { workspaces = ["1", "2", "3"]

Of course you don't have to use the same unimaginative names I did.

> 	* Is there a way to sanitize the 2-monitor behavior in bluetile.
>  Though I didn't quite figure out the logic behind workspace
> switches, and maybe they are working as intended; it's just that the
> workspace switches on a 2-monitor display confuse me.  Is there
> config magic that will unconfuse me?

Dunno about bluetile for sure, but for xmonad, see this SO question:


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