[xmonad] To what xmonad renames the Menu key?

jenia.ivlev jenia.ivlev at gmail.com
Sun Dec 28 03:31:44 UTC 2014

I typically swap the Menu and the right Ctrl keys.

I used to do with xmodmap:

    remove Control = Control_R
    keysym Menu = Control_R
    keysym Control_R = Menu
    add Control = Control_R

I just switch them around. The menu key becomes ctrl and the right ctrl
becomes the menu key.

This stopped working all of a sudden.
Also, I noticed that the menu key has become the mod key.
I'm wondering if xmonad remapped the menu to become the mod key?
If yes, how is it called? Maybe "Mod_R", or "Mod_2" or something?
Although, I tried these two names and it didnt seem to work.

So again, how do I switch places the right Mod key and the right Ctrl?

Thanks in advance for your time and help.

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