[xmonad] How to start xmonad with lxde?

Adam Sjøgren asjo at koldfront.dk
Thu Dec 25 13:43:40 UTC 2014

jenia.ivlev writes:

> So what's the most convenient way to start apps ion xmonad?

I'm sure there are several - I have dmenu_run bound to M-p, so I can
just type M-p programname ENTER and the program is started.

 * https://packages.debian.org/jessie/suckless-tools

For the program I open the most often, xterm, I have a dedicated
keyboard shortcut.

  Best regards,


 "faster than C++, more concise than Perl, more               Adam Sjøgren
  regular than Python, more flexible than Ruby, more     asjo at koldfront.dk
  typeful than C#, more robust than Java, and has
  absolutely nothing in common with PHP."

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