[xmonad] [PATCH] * Allow to limit maximum row count in X.Prompt completion window

Paul Fertser fercerpav at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 13:40:39 CET 2013


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1 patch for repository http://code.haskell.org/XMonadContrib:

Thu Feb 21 16:20:50 MSK 2013  Paul Fertser <fercerpav at gmail.com>
  * Allow to limit maximum row count in X.Prompt completion window
  On a keyboard-less device (such as a smartphone), where one has to use
  an on-screen keyboard, the maximum completion window height must be
  limited to avoid overlapping the keyboard.

New patches:

[Allow to limit maximum row count in X.Prompt completion window
Paul Fertser <fercerpav at gmail.com>**20130221122050
 Ignore-this: 923656f02996f2de2b1336275392c5f9
 On a keyboard-less device (such as a smartphone), where one has to use
 an on-screen keyboard, the maximum completion window height must be
 limited to avoid overlapping the keyboard.
] {
hunk ./XMonad/Prompt.hs 137
         , position          :: XPPosition -- ^ Position: 'Top' or 'Bottom'
         , alwaysHighlight   :: !Bool      -- ^ Always highlight an item, overriden to True with multiple modes. This implies having *one* column of autocompletions only.
         , height            :: !Dimension -- ^ Window height
+        , maxComplRows      :: Maybe Dimension
+                                          -- ^ Just x: maximum number of rows to show in completion window
         , historySize       :: !Int       -- ^ The number of history entries to be saved
         , historyFilter     :: [String] -> [String]
                                          -- ^ a filter to determine which
hunk ./XMonad/Prompt.hs 246
         , changeModeKey     = xK_grave
         , position          = Bottom
         , height            = 18
+        , maxComplRows      = Nothing
         , historySize       = 256
         , historyFilter     = id
         , defaultText       = []
hunk ./XMonad/Prompt.hs 939
       rem_height =  rect_height scr - ht
       (rows,r) = length compl `divMod` fi columns
       needed_rows = max 1 (rows + if r == 0 then 0 else 1)
-      actual_max_number_of_rows = rem_height `div` ht
+      limit_max_number = case maxComplRows c of
+                           Nothing -> id
+                           Just m -> min m
+      actual_max_number_of_rows = limit_max_number $ rem_height `div` ht
       actual_rows = min actual_max_number_of_rows (fi needed_rows)
       actual_height = actual_rows * ht
       (x,y) = case position c of


[Note in U.NameActions that xmonad core can list default keys now
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20130217233026
 Ignore-this: 937bff636fa88171932d5192fe8e290b
[Export U.NamedActions.addDescrKeys per evaryont's request.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20130217232619
 Ignore-this: a694a0a3ece70b52fba6e8f688d86344
[Add EWMH DEMANDS_ATTENTION support to UrgencyHook.
Maarten de Vries <maarten at de-vri.es>**20130212181229
 Ignore-this: 5a4b314d137676758fad9ec8f85ce422
 Add support for the _NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION atom
 by treating it the same way as the WM_HINTS urgency flag.
[Unconditionally set _NET_WORKAREA in ManageDocks
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20130117180851
 Ignore-this: 9f57e53fba9573d8a92cf153beb7fe7a
[spawn command when no completion is available (if alwaysHighlight is True); changes commandToComplete in Prompt/Shell to complete the whole word instead of using getLastWord
c.lopez at kmels.net**20130209190456
 Ignore-this: ca7d354bb301b555b64d5e76e31d10e8
matthewhague at zoho.com**20120703222726
 Ignore-this: 4af8162ee8b16a60e8fd62fbc915d3c0
 Changes the WorkspaceCompare module's comparison by index to put workspaces without an index last (rather than first).
[SpawnOn modification for issue 523
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20130114014642
 Ignore-this: 703f7dc0f800366b752f0ec1cecb52e5
 This moves the function to help clean up the `Spawner' to the ManageHook
 rather than in functions like spawnOn. Probably it makes no difference, the
 reason is because there's one manageSpawn function but many different so this
 way there are less functions to write.
[Update L.TrackFloating.useTransient example code
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20130112041239
 Ignore-this: e4e31cf1db742778c1d59d52fdbeed7a
 Suggest useTransient goes to the right of trackFloating which is the
 configuration actually tested.
[Adapt ideas of issue 306 patch to a new modifier in L.TrackFloating
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20130112035701
 Ignore-this: d54d27b71b97144ef0660f910fd464aa
[Make X.A.CycleWS not rely on hidden WS order
Dmitri Iouchtchenko <johnnyspoon at gmail.com>**20130109023328
 Ignore-this: 8717a154b33253c5df4e9a0ada4c2c3e
[Add X.H.WorkspaceHistory
Dmitri Iouchtchenko <johnnyspoon at gmail.com>**20130109023307
 Ignore-this: c9e7ce33a944facc27481dde52c7cc80
[Allow removing arbitrary workspaces
Dmitri Iouchtchenko <johnnyspoon at gmail.com>**20121231214343
 Ignore-this: 6fce4bd3d0c5337e5122158583138e74
[Remove first-hidden restriction from X.A.DynamicWorkspaces.removeWorkspace'
Dmitri Iouchtchenko <johnnyspoon at gmail.com>**20121231214148
 Ignore-this: 55fb0859e9a5f476a834ecbdb774aac8
[Add authorspellings file for `darcs show authors'.
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20130101040031
 Ignore-this: c3198072ebc6a71d635bec4d8e2c78fd
 This authorspellings file includes a couple people who've contributed to xmonad
 (not XMonadContrib). When people have multiple addresses, the most recent one
 has been picked.
[TAG 0.11
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20130101014231
 Ignore-this: 57cf32412fd1ce912811cb7fafe930f5
Patch bundle hash:

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