[xmonad] Two patches for xmonad-contrib: new layout modifier and new "conditional" layout

adam vogt vogt.adam at gmail.com
Thu Dec 19 18:28:10 UTC 2013


I've pushed the ifMax patch. I left out the InRegion because it is
redundant. Please correct me if that's wrong.


On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 3:56 PM, adam vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Ilya,
> I have some concerns/suggestions for these modules. First about InRegion:
> 1. XMonad.Layout.Gaps does the same thing (except with pixels and not
> fractions of the screen dimensions), so I think if we call InRegion
> GapsRelative that'll emphasize the connection.
> 2. LayoutBuilder's (layoutAll (relBox a b c d)) is supposed to do the
> same thing as (inRegion a b c d).
> In IfMax there are some things that should be re-written, unless I'm
> missing something. For example, you write:
> +                                    let l1' = fromMaybe l1 ml1'
> +                                    return (wrs, Just $ IfMax n l1' l2)
> Why not:
> +                                    return (wrs, fmap (\l1' -> IfMax
> n l1' l2) ml1' )
> You run the underlying layout with workspace name "", when you could
> propagate it.
> There are some unnecessary constraints on the LayoutClass instance. It
> should be fine to just have `(LayoutClass l1 a, LayoutClass l2 a) =>'
> right?
> Did you test with decorated layouts? For example, (ifMax 2 Full
> simpleTabbed) is ok except that when you click on tabs the focus
> doesn't change. I imagine one workaround would be to instead:
>   addTabs shrinkText def (ifMax 2 Full Simplest)
> But maybe both options can be made to work. Or at least the variation
> that does work should be described somewhere (if it's not already).
> Regards,
> Adam
> On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Ilya Portnov <portnov84 at rambler.ru> wrote:
>> Hello XMonad world.
>> There are two patches for xmonad-contrib.
>> InRegion is a layout modifier. It runs underlying layout in restricted
>> rectangle region. You specify that region with X,Y coordinates of top-left
>> corner, and width, height of rectangle.
>> All numbers are specified as parts of whole region (e.g., screen
>> dimensions). So, "inRegion 0 0 1 1 someLayout" will just run someLayout as
>> is. "inRegion 0.15 0 0.7 1 Full" will give you 15% margins at left and at
>> right.
>> IfMax layout is a "conditional layout". It runs one layout, if there are as
>> maximum N windows, and otherwise it runs another layout. Example:
>>  > ifMax 2 Full (Tall ...)
>> In this example, if there are 1 or 2 windows, Full layout will be used;
>> otherwise, Tall layout will be used.
>> With best regards,
>> Ilya Portnov.
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