[xmonad] Xmonad.Layout.Hints and pidgin

Wirt Wolff wirtwolff at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 09:51:21 EDT 2009

Excerpts from Nathan Huesken's message of Tue Sep 29 06:43:39 -0600 2009:
> How can the IM layout be made to work with pidgin?
> withIM (1%7) (ClassName "Buddy List") (Grid)
> .... completly behaves the same for the pidgin Buddy List as all otehr
> windows (Grid layout).

You probably want to match the WM_NAME string with Title:

withIM (1%7) (Title "Buddy List") (Grid)

This is more specific than using the "Pidgin" ClassName, which would be
allowed to match new non-buddy list Pidgin windows too.

If it turns out that other apps also use the title "Buddy List", you can
restrict it to only Pidgin:

withIM (1%7) (And (ClassName "Pidgin") (Title "Buddy List")) (Grid)



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