[xmonad] darcs patch: PositionStore utility to store informati... (and 1 more)

Jan Vornberger jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de
Sat Oct 31 18:02:25 EDT 2009


This is now the patch bundle containing Bluetile's floating layout. It requires Daniel's
extstate patch (which is not included in this bundle, see his recent e-mail for a patch).

The first patch adds Util.PositionStore, which holds position and size information about
a window. Having this global place to store this information, makes the floating layout much
more robust and enables many features.

Note that this is still missing the enhanced decoration code to be fully functional in a
dual-head setup. In such a setup, you can drag windows from one screen to another which means
you can drag them from one workspace to another. To handle these cases correctly, the decoration
code needs some tweaks, which I will be working on submitting next. (Note that X.L.SimplestFloat
also has these problems, which is why it really isn't very usable in a dual-head setup.)

But apart from that, it should be fairly useful on its own.

One other thing that is still missing, is a way to remove information about windows from the
PositionStore, once a window is closed. I will look into that as well.



Sat Oct 31 22:13:51 CET 2009  Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>
  * PositionStore utility to store information about position and size of a window

Sat Oct 31 22:31:28 CET 2009  Jan Vornberger <jan.vornberger at informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>
  * PositionStoreFloat - a floating layout with a support hook PositonStoreHook

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