[xmonad] darcs patch: Add Layout.FloatLayout the start of a floating layout

Andrea Rossato mailing_list at istitutocolli.org
Thu Jan 17 14:22:57 EST 2008

On Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 01:44:06PM -0500, David Roundy wrote:
> Possibly.  But the nice thing about this approach is that is doesn't
> actually use the floating layer, so it allows us to experiment with the
> floating UI without completely ripping apart the core.

That's the idea, indeed. Moreover I'm quite sure there's been some
discussion about having a real floating layout like this.

Now I'm going to add decorations and a mouse interface - code that can
be reused at a later time anyhow.

I did not understand where the layout layer is going to go, and I did
not follow the nested stacks discussion enough to understand how the
two facts may be related. If someone could get me up to date I'd


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