[web-devel] ANN: uhttpc - Minimal HTTP client library optimized for benchmarking

Kazu Yamamoto (=?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCOzNLXE9CSScbKEI=?=) kazu at iij.ad.jp
Wed Apr 30 03:09:08 UTC 2014

Hi Herbert,

I have not read the source code of uhttpc. But here are random
thoughts which I want to share with you:

- I had the same experience in the server side. In my case, HTTP
  response header and HTTP response body are sent separately.  Please
  read "Sending the Header and Body Together" in the POSA article.


- runInUnboundThread might help. See:


  Also, measuring witty by uhttpc would be interesting because
  witty is much faster than acme-http.

- Mio (new IO manager) uses "yield". This would make the response time
  worse. This might be one open issue for Mio. I guess it's worth
  removing "yield" from GHC.Event.Manager and rebuilding GHC to see what


> Hello web-devel,
> (sorry if you get this twice, I originally sent this from an
> unsubscribed email address)
> Even though I already announced this on reddit[1], I was reminded by one
> of the comments this special-interest-group list exists, and therefore
> I'd like to point your attention to
>  http://hackage.haskell.org/package/uhttpc
> which (as was pointed out by one reddit commenter) can be regarded as
> the client-side of acme-http.
> I've been able to get comparable measurements to what weighttp and ab
> reports against HTTP servers such as nginx, but I've noticed some
> sub-optimal results when using only a single kept-alive connection. For
> instance, on my i7-3770 Linux desktop against an nginx server I get:
> ,----
> | $ uhttpc-bench -n 200000 -t1 -c2 -k http://localhost/
> | uhttpc-bench - a Haskell-based ab/weighttp-style webserver benchmarking tool
> | 
> | starting benchmark...
> | finished in 15.024069 seconds, 200000 reqs (1 conns), 13312.0 req/s received
> | status codes: 200000 HTTP-200
> | data received: 11153.977 KiB/s, 171600000 bytes total (49200000 bytes http + 122400000 bytes content)
> | rtt min/avg/max = 0.038/0.074/9.928 ms
> `----
> vs.
> ,----
> | $ uhttpc-bench -n 200000 -t1 -c2 -k http://localhost/
> | uhttpc-bench - a Haskell-based ab/weighttp-style webserver benchmarking tool
> | 
> | starting benchmark...
> | finished in 4.849609 seconds, 200000 reqs (2 conns), 41240.4 req/s received
> | status codes: 200000 HTTP-200
> | data received: 34554.976 KiB/s, 171600000 bytes total (49200000 bytes http + 122400000 bytes content)
> | rtt min/avg/max = 0.031/0.048/7.207 ms
> `----
> Whereas running `weighttp` with -c1 vs -c2 gives a linear 1x factor scaling of 20k
> req/s vs 40k req/s (as opposed to the 1.5x factor scaling of
> uhttpc-bench between -c1 and -c2)
> Therefore, uhttpc-bench is significantly worse than weighttp when using only a
> single connection. I can't explain that yet.
>  [1]: http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/23yuvs/%C2%B5http_lowlevel_http_client_library_for/
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