[reactive] Version conflicts despite hiding

Conal Elliott conal at conal.net
Wed Dec 17 12:50:51 EST 2008

I'd like to improve my release process to avoid problems like this.  I could
re-release reactive-glut & reactive-fieldtrip whenever there's a new
reactive release, and re-release reactive-fieldtrip whenever there's a new
reactive-glut.  While manageable for me, other people who build on any of
these libraries--or *any* library--will have the same problem.  I wonder
what's causing the fragility here.

Any ideas?

   - Conal

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 8:56 AM, Patai Gergely <patai_gergely at fastmail.fm>wrote:

> > However, when I try to compile Tetris or load it into ghci, it says that
> > it can't match 'UI' (expected) with
> > 'reactive-glut-0.1.4:FRP.Reactive.GLUT.UI.UI' (inferred) in dropPiece,
> > and I've no idea where it is getting the latter from. There are no
> > leftover .hi files or anything else in reach. Is reactive-fieldtrip a
> > possible culprit?
> Yep, that was it. I reinstalled reactive-fieldtrip, and it works again.
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