[reactive] Changed argument orders for snapshot etc

Conal Elliott conal at conal.net
Mon Dec 8 18:46:28 EST 2008

I swapped the argument order for snapshot and a few other functions.  For

    -- old type
    snapshot :: Event a -> Behavior b -> Event (a,b)

    -- new type
    snapshot :: Behavior b -> Event a -> Event (a,b)

So that 'snapshot b' is an event transformer.  This change makes other
operations work out nicely when partially applied.

Take careful note of the argument and result orders.  I'm not sure what's
most memorable.  I've kept to the convention that the additional info is in
the second half of the result.  Also a bit odd:

    snapshotWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Behavior b -> Event a -> Event c

The complete list of argument-swappedfns: snap, snapshot, snapshot_,
snapRemainderE, splitE (watch out).

Libraries affected: reactive, reactive-glut, reactive-fieldtrip.

  - Conal
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