[nhc-users] hmake 3.09

Ian Lynagh igloo at earth.li
Thu Nov 18 16:12:13 EST 2004

Hi Malcolm,

I happened to notice a new release of hmake was out - thanks for doing

However, unfortunately it seems that the patch I sent here:
didn't make it into CVS  :-(    I've attached the patch for 3.09 (it has
a few other small tweaks I made too).

In src/hmake/Imports.hs does "stringgap (c:cs)    = stringgap cs"
deliberately not check isSpace c? Hmm, there's no [] case either.

There is a docs/hmake/.#index.html.1.30 in the tarball - it looks like
you have lost the change of hi copyright from 2000 to 2000-2003.


-------------- next part --------------
--- hmake-3.09.orig/src/hmake/Makefile
+++ hmake-3.09/src/hmake/Makefile
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
 SRCS    = QSort.hs Unlit.hs Utils.hs Tsort.hs FileName.hs \
 	  Output.hs Order.hs ListUtil.hs Getmodtime.hs \
           MkProg.hs IsPrefixOf.hs Compiler.hs PreProcessor.hs \
-	  PackageConfig.hs Config.hs RunAndReadStdout.hs
+	  PackageConfig.hs RunAndReadStdout.hs
 CPPHSSRCS  = CppIfdef.hs ParseLib.hs Position.hs ReadFirst.hs Tokenise.hs \
 	     SymTab.hs HashDefine.hs
 CPPSRCS = Argv.hs Graph.hs GetDep.hs Compat.hs Imports.hs \
-	  Platform.hs
+	  Platform.hs Config.hs
 CFGSRCS = RunAndReadStdout.hs Config.hs Compiler.hs Platform.hs
@@ -29,12 +29,13 @@
           hmake hmake.1
 HC = $(LOCAL)nhc98	# can be overridden by caller HC=...
+BUILDCOMP = nhc # Override if you override the above. Should be ghc|nhc|hbc|gcc
 HFLAGS = $(shell echo $(BUILDOPTS)) #-$(CFG)
-ifeq "nhc98" "$(findstring nhc98, ${HC})"
+ifeq "nhc" "${BUILDCOMP}"
 HEAP = -H4M
-ifeq "ghc" "$(findstring ghc, ${HC})"
+ifeq "ghc" "${BUILDCOMP}"
 HFLAGS += $(shell ${LOCAL}fixghc ${GHCSYM} -package lang)
 ifeq "hbc" "$(findstring hbc, ${HC})"
@@ -133,7 +134,8 @@
 ${OBJDIR}/PackageConfig.$O:	${OBJDIR}/Config.$O ${OBJDIR}/Compiler.$O \
 			${OBJDIR}/Platform.$O ${OBJDIR}/RunAndReadStdout.$O 
-${OBJDIR}/Config.$O:	${OBJDIR}/Compiler.$O ${OBJDIR}/Platform.$O
+${OBJDIR}/Config.$O:	${OBJDIR}/Compiler.$O ${OBJDIR}/Platform.$O \
+			${OBJDIR}/RunAndReadStdout.$O 
 ${OBJDIR}/Argv.$O:	${OBJDIR}/ListUtil.$O ${OBJDIR}/Compiler.$O \
@@ -142,11 +144,10 @@
 ${OBJDIR}/MkProg.$O:	${OBJDIR}/Argv.$O ${OBJDIR}/GetDep.$O \
 			${OBJDIR}/Getmodtime.$O ${OBJDIR}/ListUtil.$O \
 			${OBJDIR}/Order.$O ${OBJDIR}/Output.$O 
-${OBJDIR}/MkConfig.$O:	${OBJDIR}/Compiler.$O ${OBJDIR}/Config.$O \
-			${OBJDIR}/Platform.$O
+${OBJDIR}/MkConfig.$O:	${OBJDIR}/RunAndReadStdout.$O ${OBJDIR}/Config.$O
-ifeq "hbc" "$(HC)"
+ifeq "hbc" "${BUILDCOMP}"
 ${OBJDIR}/Argv.$O:	${OBJDIR}/IsPrefixOf.$O
--- hmake-3.09.orig/src/hmake/Argv.hs
+++ hmake-3.09/src/hmake/Argv.hs
@@ -73,21 +73,13 @@
 -- | Given the list of program arguments, decode them.
-decode :: [String] -> DecodedArgs
-decode progArgs =
+decode :: [String] -> IO DecodedArgs
+decode progArgs = do
   let d = Decoded {
       modules  = (map wrapGoal . filter (not . isflag)) progArgs
-    , pathSrc  = (map tail . filter (\v -> head v == 'I')) flags ++
-                 (map tail . filter (\v -> head v == 'i')) flags ++
-                 if isopt "keepPrelude" then pathPrel d else []
-    , pathPrel = (map tail . filter (\v -> head v == 'P')) flags ++
-                 includePaths (compiler d) ++
-                 packageDirs (compiler d)
-                             (map (drop 8) $
-                              filter ("package="`isPrefixOf`) flags)
-    , zdefs    = (map tail . filter (\v -> head v == 'Z')) flags ++
-                 cppSymbols (compiler d) ++
-                 (if isHaskell98 (compiler d) then haskell98SymsForCpp else [])
+	, pathSrc  = error "pathSrc not known yet"
+	, pathPrel = error "pathPrel not known yet"
+	, zdefs    = error "zdefs not known yet"
     , defs     = (map tail . filter (\v -> head v == 'D')) flags
     , ignoreHi = (map tail . filter (\v -> head v == 'N')) flags
     , dflag    = False	-- isopt "od"
@@ -116,12 +108,27 @@
                             { globalConfig = readConfig (tail x)
                             , localConfig = Nothing }
                    _   -> error "hmake: only one -fconfigfile option allowed\n" 
-    , compiler = case filter (\v-> "hc=" `isPrefixOf` v) flags of
+    , compiler = error "compiler not yet known"
+    }
+  cc <- unDyn $ case filter (\v -> "hc=" `isPrefixOf` v) flags of
                    []  -> usualCompiler (config d)
                    [x] -> matchCompiler (drop 3 x) (config d)
                    _   -> error "hmake: only one -hc=compiler option allowed\n" 
+  let d' = d {
+      pathSrc  = (map tail . filter (\v -> head v == 'I')) flags ++
+                 (map tail . filter (\v -> head v == 'i')) flags ++
+                 if isopt "keepPrelude" then pathPrel d' else []
+    , pathPrel = (map tail . filter (\v -> head v == 'P')) flags ++
+                 includePaths (compiler d') ++
+                 packageDirs (compiler d')
+                             (map (drop 8) $
+                              filter ("package="`isPrefixOf`) flags)
+    , zdefs    = (map tail . filter (\v -> head v == 'Z')) flags ++
+                 cppSymbols (compiler d') ++
+                 (if isHaskell98 (compiler d') then haskell98SymsForCpp else [])
+    , compiler = cc
-  in d
+  return d'
   flags = (map tail . filter isflag) progArgs
--- hmake-3.09.orig/src/hmake/Config.hs
+++ hmake-3.09/src/hmake/Config.hs
@@ -14,11 +14,21 @@
 module Config where
 import Compiler
-import System (getEnv)
-import Directory (doesFileExist,doesDirectoryExist,createDirectory)
+import System (ExitCode(..),exitWith,getEnv)
+import Directory (doesFileExist,doesDirectoryExist,createDirectory
+                 ,getPermissions,Permissions(..))
 import Monad (when)
-import List (nub)
-import Platform (unsafePerformIO)
+import List (nub,isPrefixOf)
+import Platform (unsafePerformIO,exe,escape,windows)
+import RunAndReadStdout (runAndReadStdout, basename, dirname)
+import Char (isDigit)
+import Monad (foldM)
+import IO (stderr)
+#ifdef __HBC__
+import IOMisc (hPutStrLn)
+import IO (hPutStrLn)
 data PersonalConfig = PersonalConfig
@@ -56,12 +66,19 @@
   , extraCompilerFlags :: [String]
   , isHaskell98        :: Bool
+                    | DynCompiler { compilerPath :: FilePath }
   deriving (Read)
+unDyn :: CompilerConfig -> IO CompilerConfig
+unDyn (DynCompiler path) = configure path
+unDyn cc = return cc
 instance Eq CompilerConfig where	-- equality on filename only
   cc1 == cc2   =   compilerPath cc1 == compilerPath cc2
 instance Show CompilerConfig where
+  showsPrec p (DynCompiler hc) =
+      showString "DynCompiler { compilerPath = " . shows hc . showString " }\n"
   showsPrec p cc =
       showString "CompilerConfig"
       . showString "\n      { compilerStyle = " . shows (compilerStyle cc)
@@ -139,7 +156,7 @@
                       -> (FilePath, Maybe FilePath)
 defaultConfigLocation create = unsafePerformIO $ do
     machine <- getEnv "MACHINE"
-    global <- getEnv "HMAKEDIR"
+    global <- getEnv "HMAKECONFDIR"
     let g = global++"/"++machine++"/hmakerc"
     catch (do home <- getEnv "HOME"
               let dir = home ++ "/.hmakerc"
@@ -196,3 +213,180 @@
 usualCompiler :: HmakeConfig -> CompilerConfig
 usualCompiler config = matchCompiler (defaultCompiler config) config
+configure :: String -> IO CompilerConfig
+configure comp_path = do comp_type <- hcStyle comp_path
+                         configure' comp_type comp_path
+-- | configure for each style of compiler
+configure' :: HC -> String -> IO CompilerConfig
+configure' Ghc ghcpath = do
+  ghcversion <- runAndReadStdout (escape ghcpath ++ " --version 2>&1 | "
+                                  ++"sed 's/^.*version[ ]*\\([0-9.]*\\).*/\\1/'"
+                                 )
+  let ghcsym = let v = (read (take 3 (filter isDigit ghcversion ++ "0"))) :: Int
+               in if v <= 600 then v
+                  else let hundreds = (v`div`100)*100 in
+                       hundreds + ((v-hundreds)`div`10)
+      config  = CompilerConfig
+			{ compilerStyle = Ghc
+			, compilerPath  = ghcpath
+			, compilerVersion = ghcversion
+			, includePaths  = undefined
+			, cppSymbols    = ["__GLASGOW_HASKELL__="++show ghcsym]
+			, extraCompilerFlags = []
+			, isHaskell98   = ghcsym>=400 }
+  if windows && ghcsym<500
+    then do
+      fullpath <- which exe ghcpath
+      let incdir1 = dirname (dirname fullpath)++"/imports"
+      ok <- doesDirectoryExist incdir1
+      if ok
+        then return config{ includePaths = ghcDirs ghcsym incdir1 }
+        else do ioError (userError ("Can't find ghc includes at\n  "++incdir1))
+    else if ghcsym<500
+    then do
+      fullpath <- which exe ghcpath
+      dir <- runAndReadStdout ("grep '^\\$libdir=' "++fullpath++" | head -1 | "
+                               ++ "sed 's/^\\$libdir=[^/]*\\(.*\\).;/\\1/'")
+      let incdir1 = dir++"/imports"
+      ok <- doesDirectoryExist incdir1
+      if ok
+        then return config{ includePaths = ghcDirs ghcsym incdir1 }
+        else do
+          let incdir2 = dir++"/lib/imports"
+          ok <- doesDirectoryExist incdir2
+          if ok
+            then return config{ includePaths = ghcDirs ghcsym incdir2 }
+            else do ioError (userError ("Can't find ghc includes at\n  "
+                                        ++incdir1++"\n  "++incdir2))
+    else do -- 5.00 and above
+      pkgcfg <- runAndReadStdout (escape ghcpath++" -v 2>&1 | head -2 "
+                                  ++"| tail -1 | cut -c28- | head -1")
+      let libdir  = dirname (escape pkgcfg)
+          incdir1 = libdir++"/imports"
+      ok <- doesDirectoryExist incdir1
+      if ok
+        then do
+          fullpath <- fmap escape (which exe ghcpath)
+          let ghcpkg0 = dirname fullpath++"/ghc-pkg-"++ghcversion
+          ok <- doesFileExist ghcpkg0
+          let ghcpkg = if ok then ghcpkg0 else dirname fullpath++"/ghc-pkg"
+       -- pkgs <- runAndReadStdout (ghcpkg++" --list-packages")
+          pkgs <- runAndReadStdout (ghcpkg++" -l")
+          let pkgsOK = filter (`elem`["std","base","haskell98"]) (deComma pkgs)
+          idirs <- mapM (\p-> runAndReadStdout
+                                  (ghcpkg++" --show-package="++p
+                                   ++" --field=import_dirs"))
+                        pkgsOK
+          return config{ includePaths = pkgDirs libdir (nub idirs) }
+        else do ioError (userError ("Can't find ghc includes at "++incdir1))
+ where
+    -- ghcDirs only static for ghc < 500; for later versions found dynamically
+    ghcDirs n root | n < 400   = [root]
+                   | n < 406   = map ((root++"/")++) ["std","exts","misc"
+                                                     ,"posix"]
+                   | otherwise = map ((root++"/")++) ["std","lang","data","net"
+                                                     ,"posix","num","text"
+                                                     ,"util","hssource"
+                                                     ,"win32","concurrent"]
+    pkgDirs libdir dirs =
+        map (\dir-> if "$libdir" `isPrefixOf` dir
+                    then libdir++drop 7 dir
+                    else dir)
+            (concatMap words dirs)
+    deComma pkgs = map (\p-> if last p==',' then init p else p) (words pkgs)
+configure' Nhc98 nhcpath = do
+  fullpath <- which id nhcpath
+  nhcversion <- runAndReadStdout (escape nhcpath
+                                  ++" --version 2>&1 | cut -d' ' -f2 | head -1")
+  dir <- runAndReadStdout ("grep '^NHC98INCDIR' "++escape fullpath
+                           ++ "| cut -c27- | cut -d'}' -f1 | head -1")
+  return CompilerConfig { compilerStyle = Nhc98
+			, compilerPath  = nhcpath
+			, compilerVersion = nhcversion
+			, includePaths = [dir]
+			, cppSymbols    = ["__NHC__="++
+                                           take 3 (filter isDigit nhcversion)]
+			, extraCompilerFlags = []
+			, isHaskell98   = True
+			}
+configure' Hbc hbcpath = do
+  let field n = "| cut -d' ' -f"++show n++" | head -1"
+  wibble <- runAndReadStdout (hbcpath ++ " -v 2>&1 " ++ field 2)
+  hbcversion <-
+      case wibble of
+        "version" -> runAndReadStdout (hbcpath ++ " -v 2>&1 " ++ field 3)
+        _         -> runAndReadStdout (hbcpath ++ " -v 2>&1 " ++ field 4)
+  dir <- catch (getEnv "HBCDIR")
+               (\e-> catch (getEnv "LMLDIR")
+                           (\e-> return "/usr/local/lib/lmlc"))
+  return CompilerConfig { compilerStyle = Hbc
+			, compilerPath  = hbcpath
+			, compilerVersion = hbcversion
+			, includePaths = map ((dir++"/")++)
+                                              ["hlib1.3","hbc_library1.3"]
+			, cppSymbols    = ["__HBC__"]
+			, extraCompilerFlags = []
+			, isHaskell98   = ((hbcversion!!7) >= '5')
+			}
+configure' (Unknown hc) hcpath = do
+    hPutStrLn stderr ("hmake-config: the compiler\n  '"++hcpath
+                      ++"'\n  does not look like a Haskell compiler.")
+    exitWith (ExitFailure 4)
+    return undefined  -- never reached
+-- | Work out which basic compiler.
+hcStyle :: String -> IO HC
+hcStyle path = case toCompiler (basename path) of
+                   Unknown hc -> do x <- runAndReadStdout
+                                       $ path ++ " 2>&1 | head -1 | cut -c1-3"
+                                    return $ case toCompiler x of
+                                                 Unknown _ -> Unknown hc
+                                                 y -> y
+                   s -> return s
+  where
+    toCompiler :: String -> HC
+    toCompiler hc | "gcc" `isPrefixOf` hc = Nhc98
+                  | "nhc" `isPrefixOf` hc = Nhc98
+                  | "ghc" `isPrefixOf` hc = Ghc
+                  | "hbc" `isPrefixOf` hc = Hbc
+                  | otherwise             = Unknown hc
+-- | Emulate the shell `which` command.
+which :: (String->String) -> String -> IO String
+which exe cmd =
+  let dir = dirname cmd
+  in case dir of
+    "" -> do -- search the shell environment PATH variable for candidates
+             val <- getEnv "PATH"
+             let psep = pathSep val
+                 dirs = splitPath psep "" val
+             search <- foldM (\a dir-> testFile a (dir++'/': exe cmd))
+                             Nothing dirs
+             case search of
+               Just x  -> return x
+               Nothing -> ioError (userError (cmd++" not found"))
+    _  -> do f <- testFile Nothing (exe cmd)
+             case f of
+               Just x  -> return x
+               Nothing -> ioError (userError (cmd++" is not executable"))
+  where
+    splitPath :: Char -> String -> String -> [String]
+    splitPath sep acc []                 = [reverse acc]
+    splitPath sep acc (c:path) | c==sep  = reverse acc : splitPath sep "" path
+    splitPath sep acc (c:path)           = splitPath sep (c:acc) path
+    pathSep s = if length (filter (==';') s) >0 then ';' else ':'
+    testFile :: Maybe String -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
+    testFile gotit@(Just _) path = return gotit
+    testFile Nothing path = do
+        ok <- doesFileExist path
+        if ok then perms path else return Nothing
+    perms file = do
+        p <- getPermissions file
+        return (if executable p then Just file else Nothing)
--- hmake-3.09.orig/src/hmake/MkConfig.hs
+++ hmake-3.09/src/hmake/MkConfig.hs
@@ -12,17 +12,12 @@
 module Main where
-import Compiler (HC(..))
 import Config
-import Platform (unsafePerformIO,escape,windows,exe)
-import RunAndReadStdout (runAndReadStdout, basename, dirname)
-import Directory (doesDirectoryExist,doesFileExist,removeFile,getPermissions
-                 ,Permissions(..),renameFile,createDirectory)
-import System (exitWith,ExitCode(..),getArgs,getEnv,getProgName)
-import List (intersperse,nub,isPrefixOf,sort)
-import Char (isDigit)
-import Monad (foldM,when)
-import Maybe (isJust,fromJust)
+import RunAndReadStdout (dirname)
+import Directory (createDirectory)
+import System (exitWith,ExitCode(..),getArgs)
+import List (nub,sort)
+import Maybe (fromJust)
 import IO (stderr,isDoesNotExistError)
 #ifdef __HBC__
 import IOMisc (hPutStrLn)
@@ -44,30 +39,31 @@
                    (case lfile of
                       Just f -> putStrLn ("Personal config file is:\n    "++f)
                       Nothing -> return ())
+                   known <- mapM unDyn $ knownComps config
                    putStrLn "Known compilers:"
                    mapM_ putStrLn
                          ((reverse . sort
                            . map (\c-> "    "++compilerPath c
                                        ++"\t("++compilerVersion c++")"))
-                          (knownComps config))
+                          known)
                    putStrLn "Default compiler:"
                    putStrLn ("    "++defaultComp config)
     [hc] -> do -- no command, assume 'add'
-               cc <- configure (hcStyle hc) hc
+               cc <- configure hc
                config' <- add cc config
                writeBack gfile lfile config'
-    ["add",hc]     -> do cc <- configure (hcStyle hc) hc
+    ["add",hc]     -> do cc <- configure hc
                          config' <- add cc config
                          writeBack gfile lfile config'
+    ["add-dyn",hc] -> do config' <- add (DynCompiler hc) config
+                         writeBack gfile lfile config'
     ["delete",hc]  -> do config' <- delete config gfile hc
                          writeBack gfile lfile config'
     ["default",hc] -> do config' <- mkDefault config hc
                          writeBack gfile lfile config'
     ["list",hc]    -> do let cc = matchCompiler hc config
                          putStrLn (show cc)
-    _ -> do hPutStrLn stderr ("Usage: hmake-config [configfile] list\n"
-                 ++"       hmake-config [configfile] [add|delete|default] hc\n"
-                 ++"                  -- hc is name/path of a Haskell compiler")
+    _ -> do hPutStrLn stderr usage
             exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
   exitWith ExitSuccess
@@ -77,10 +73,8 @@
     findConfigFile args =
       case args of
         [] -> do let (g,_) = defaultConfigLocation False
-                 hPutStrLn stderr ("Usage: hmake-config [configfile] list\n"
-                  ++"       hmake-config [configfile] [add|delete|default] hc\n"
-                  ++"              -- hc is name/path of a Haskell compiler\n"
-                  ++"  default configfile is:\n    "++g)
+                 hPutStrLn stderr (usage
+                                ++ "\n  default configfile is:\n    "++g)
                  exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
         (file:"new":_)  -> return (file, Nothing, tail args)
         (file:"list":_) -> return (file, Nothing, tail args)
@@ -88,6 +82,9 @@
         ("list":_) ->
              let (g,l) = defaultConfigLocation False in return (g, l, args)
         _ -> let (g,l) = defaultConfigLocation True in return (g, l, args)
+    usage = "Usage: hmake-config [configfile] list\n"
+         ++ "       hmake-config [configfile] [add-dyn|delete|default] hc\n"
+         ++ "              -- hc is name/path of a Haskell compiler"
     parseConfigFile :: String -> FilePath -> IO HmakeConfig
@@ -98,7 +95,7 @@
                     hPutStrLn stderr ("hmake-config: Warning: "
                                       ++"Config file not found:\n  '"
-                    globalDir <- getEnv "HMAKEDIR"
+                    globalDir <- getEnv "HMAKECONFDIR"
                     let global = globalDir++"/"++machine++"/hmakerc"
                     if path == global
                       then newConfigFile path
@@ -207,169 +204,3 @@
                           global { knownCompilers =
                                              nub (hc: knownCompilers global)}}
--- | configure for each style of compiler
-configure :: HC -> String -> IO CompilerConfig
-configure Ghc ghcpath = do
-  ghcversion <- runAndReadStdout (escape ghcpath ++ " --version 2>&1 | "
-                                  ++"sed 's/^.*version[ ]*\\([0-9.]*\\).*/\\1/'"
-                                 )
-  let ghcsym = let v = (read (take 3 (filter isDigit ghcversion ++ "0"))) :: Int
-               in if v <= 600 then v
-                  else let hundreds = (v`div`100)*100 in
-                       hundreds + ((v-hundreds)`div`10)
-      config  = CompilerConfig
-			{ compilerStyle = Ghc
-			, compilerPath  = ghcpath
-			, compilerVersion = ghcversion
-			, includePaths  = undefined
-			, cppSymbols    = ["__GLASGOW_HASKELL__="++show ghcsym]
-			, extraCompilerFlags = []
-			, isHaskell98   = ghcsym>=400 }
-  if windows && ghcsym<500
-    then do
-      fullpath <- which exe ghcpath
-      let incdir1 = dirname (dirname fullpath)++"/imports"
-      ok <- doesDirectoryExist incdir1
-      if ok
-        then return config{ includePaths = ghcDirs ghcsym incdir1 }
-        else do ioError (userError ("Can't find ghc includes at\n  "++incdir1))
-    else if ghcsym<500
-    then do
-      fullpath <- which exe ghcpath
-      dir <- runAndReadStdout ("grep '^\\$libdir=' "++fullpath++" | head -1 | "
-                               ++ "sed 's/^\\$libdir=[^/]*\\(.*\\).;/\\1/'")
-      let incdir1 = dir++"/imports"
-      ok <- doesDirectoryExist incdir1
-      if ok
-        then return config{ includePaths = ghcDirs ghcsym incdir1 }
-        else do
-          let incdir2 = dir++"/lib/imports"
-          ok <- doesDirectoryExist incdir2
-          if ok
-            then return config{ includePaths = ghcDirs ghcsym incdir2 }
-            else do ioError (userError ("Can't find ghc includes at\n  "
-                                        ++incdir1++"\n  "++incdir2))
-    else do -- 5.00 and above
-      pkgcfg <- runAndReadStdout (escape ghcpath++" -v 2>&1 | head -2 "
-                                  ++"| tail -1 | cut -c28- | head -1")
-      let libdir  = dirname (escape pkgcfg)
-          incdir1 = libdir++"/imports"
-      ok <- doesDirectoryExist incdir1
-      if ok
-        then do
-          fullpath <- fmap escape (which exe ghcpath)
-          let ghcpkg0 = dirname fullpath++"/ghc-pkg-"++ghcversion
-          ok <- doesFileExist ghcpkg0
-          let ghcpkg = if ok then ghcpkg0 else dirname fullpath++"/ghc-pkg"
-       -- pkgs <- runAndReadStdout (ghcpkg++" --list-packages")
-          pkgs <- runAndReadStdout (ghcpkg++" -l")
-          let pkgsOK = filter (`elem`["std","base","haskell98"]) (deComma pkgs)
-          idirs <- mapM (\p-> runAndReadStdout
-                                  (ghcpkg++" --show-package="++p
-                                   ++" --field=import_dirs"))
-                        pkgsOK
-          return config{ includePaths = pkgDirs libdir (nub idirs) }
-        else do ioError (userError ("Can't find ghc includes at "++incdir1))
- where
-    -- ghcDirs only static for ghc < 500; for later versions found dynamically
-    ghcDirs n root | n < 400   = [root]
-                   | n < 406   = map ((root++"/")++) ["std","exts","misc"
-                                                     ,"posix"]
-                   | otherwise = map ((root++"/")++) ["std","lang","data","net"
-                                                     ,"posix","num","text"
-                                                     ,"util","hssource"
-                                                     ,"win32","concurrent"]
-    pkgDirs libdir dirs =
-        map (\dir-> if "$libdir" `isPrefixOf` dir
-                    then libdir++drop 7 dir
-                    else dir)
-            (concatMap words dirs)
-    deComma pkgs = map (\p-> if last p==',' then init p else p) (words pkgs)
-configure Nhc98 nhcpath = do
-  fullpath <- which id nhcpath
-  nhcversion <- runAndReadStdout (escape nhcpath
-                                  ++" --version 2>&1 | cut -d' ' -f2 | head -1")
-  dir <- runAndReadStdout ("grep '^NHC98INCDIR' "++escape fullpath
-                           ++ "| cut -c27- | cut -d'}' -f1 | head -1")
-  return CompilerConfig { compilerStyle = Nhc98
-			, compilerPath  = nhcpath
-			, compilerVersion = nhcversion
-			, includePaths = [dir]
-			, cppSymbols    = ["__NHC__="++
-                                           take 3 (filter isDigit nhcversion)]
-			, extraCompilerFlags = []
-			, isHaskell98   = True
-			}
-configure Hbc hbcpath = do
-  let field n = "| cut -d' ' -f"++show n++" | head -1"
-  wibble <- runAndReadStdout (hbcpath ++ " -v 2>&1 " ++ field 2)
-  hbcversion <-
-      case wibble of
-        "version" -> runAndReadStdout (hbcpath ++ " -v 2>&1 " ++ field 3)
-        _         -> runAndReadStdout (hbcpath ++ " -v 2>&1 " ++ field 4)
-  dir <- catch (getEnv "HBCDIR")
-               (\e-> catch (getEnv "LMLDIR")
-                           (\e-> return "/usr/local/lib/lmlc"))
-  return CompilerConfig { compilerStyle = Hbc
-			, compilerPath  = hbcpath
-			, compilerVersion = hbcversion
-			, includePaths = map ((dir++"/")++)
-                                              ["hlib1.3","hbc_library1.3"]
-			, cppSymbols    = ["__HBC__"]
-			, extraCompilerFlags = []
-			, isHaskell98   = ((hbcversion!!7) >= '5')
-			}
-configure (Unknown hc) hcpath = do
-    hPutStrLn stderr ("hmake-config: the compiler\n  '"++hcpath
-                      ++"'\n  does not look like a Haskell compiler.")
-    exitWith (ExitFailure 4)
-    return undefined  -- never reached
--- | Work out which basic compiler.
-hcStyle :: String -> HC
-hcStyle path = toCompiler (basename path)
-  where
-    toCompiler :: String -> HC
-    toCompiler hc | "gcc" `isPrefixOf` hc = Nhc98
-                  | "nhc" `isPrefixOf` hc = Nhc98
-                  | "ghc" `isPrefixOf` hc = Ghc
-                  | "hbc" `isPrefixOf` hc = Hbc
-                  | otherwise             = Unknown hc
--- | Emulate the shell `which` command.
-which :: (String->String) -> String -> IO String
-which exe cmd =
-  let dir = dirname cmd
-  in case dir of
-    "" -> do -- search the shell environment PATH variable for candidates
-             val <- getEnv "PATH"
-             let psep = pathSep val
-                 dirs = splitPath psep "" val
-             search <- foldM (\a dir-> testFile a (dir++'/': exe cmd))
-                             Nothing dirs
-             case search of
-               Just x  -> return x
-               Nothing -> ioError (userError (cmd++" not found"))
-    _  -> do f <- testFile Nothing (exe cmd)
-             case f of
-               Just x  -> return x
-               Nothing -> ioError (userError (cmd++" is not executable"))
-  where
-    splitPath :: Char -> String -> String -> [String]
-    splitPath sep acc []                 = [reverse acc]
-    splitPath sep acc (c:path) | c==sep  = reverse acc : splitPath sep "" path
-    splitPath sep acc (c:path)           = splitPath sep (c:acc) path
-    pathSep s = if length (filter (==';') s) >0 then ';' else ':'
-    testFile :: Maybe String -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
-    testFile gotit@(Just _) path = return gotit
-    testFile Nothing path = do
-        ok <- doesFileExist path
-        if ok then perms path else return Nothing
-    perms file = do
-        p <- getPermissions file
-        return (if executable p then Just file else Nothing)
--- hmake-3.09.orig/src/hmake/MkProg.hs
+++ hmake-3.09/src/hmake/MkProg.hs
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
 main =
- getArgs >>= \ args ->
+ getArgs     >>= \ args ->
+ decode args >>= \ d ->
-  d = decode args
   echo = not (quiet d)
   order g = (scctsort . map (\(f,(tps,i)) -> (f,i))) g
--- hmake-3.09.orig/src/hmake/PackageConfig.hs
+++ hmake-3.09/src/hmake/PackageConfig.hs
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@
       ok <- doesDirectoryExist incdir1
       if ok
         then do
-          let ghcpkg = matching ghc (ghcPkg ghc (compilerVersion config))
+          ghcpkg <- runAndReadStdout
+                  $ "echo `" ++ ghc ++ " --print-libdir`/bin/ghc-pkg"
        -- pkgs <- runAndReadStdout (ghcpkg++" --list-packages")
           pkgs <- runAndReadStdout (ghcpkg++" -l")
           let (ok,bad) = partition (`elem` deComma pkgs) packages
--- hmake-3.09.orig/src/interpreter/Makefile
+++ hmake-3.09/src/interpreter/Makefile
@@ -9,16 +9,16 @@
 CHFILES = $(patsubst %.hs, ../hmake/%.$C, $(OTHERS))
-ifeq "$(findstring ghc, ${HC})" "ghc"
+ifeq "${BUILDCOMP}" "ghc"
 HFLAGS = $(shell $(LOCAL)fixghc $(GHCSYM) \
                  -package lang -package util -package base $(READLINE) )
 export HFLAGS
-ifeq "$(findstring hbc, ${HC})" "hbc"
+ifeq "${BUILDCOMP}" "hbc"
 export HFLAGS
-ifeq "$(findstring nhc98, ${HC})" "nhc98"
+ifeq "${BUILDCOMP}" "nhc"
 HFLAGS = -package base
 export HFLAGS
--- hmake-3.09.orig/src/interpreter/HInteractive.hs
+++ hmake-3.09/src/interpreter/HInteractive.hs
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
                                return (cfg, Just file, opts)
         _ -> do cfg <- readPersonalConfig (defaultConfigLocation False)
                 return (cfg,Nothing,options)
-  let defaultComp = usualCompiler cfg
-      opts = options ++ extraHiOptions defaultComp
+  defaultComp <- unDyn $ usualCompiler cfg
+  let opts = options ++ extraHiOptions defaultComp
   putStrLn banner
   putStrLn (replicate 43 ' '++
             "... Using compiler "++compilerPath defaultComp++" ...\n")
@@ -229,13 +229,14 @@
           putStrLn ("Current compiler: "++compilerPath (compiler state)
                     ++" ("++compilerVersion (compiler state)++")")
           putStr   "Compilers available:\n     "
+          kcs <- (mapM unDyn . knownComps . config) state
           putStrLn ((concat . intersperse ("\n     ")
                     . reverse . sort
                     . map (\cc->compilerPath cc++"\t("++compilerVersion cc++")")
-                    . knownComps . config) state)
+                    ) kcs)
        else if compilerKnown (head target) (config state) then do
-               let newcomp = matchCompiler (head target) (config state)
-                   newopts = ((options state)
+               newcomp <- unDyn $ matchCompiler (head target) (config state)
+               let newopts = ((options state)
                                        \\ extraHiOptions (compiler state))
                                        ++ extraHiOptions newcomp
                makeclean ".o" (modules state)
--- hmake-3.09.orig/script/hmake.inst
+++ hmake-3.09/script/hmake.inst
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
-export HMAKEDIR		# to find location of global hmakerc file.
+export HMAKEDIR	HMAKECONFDIR	# to find location of global hmakerc file.
 MKPROG=${MKPROG-$HMAKEDIR/$MACHINE/MkProg}	# the real `hmake' program
 OLDER=${OLDER-$HMAKEDIR/$MACHINE/Older}		# a helper program
@@ -233,8 +234,8 @@
     if [ -f $HOME/.hmakerc/$MACHINE ]
     then COMP=`grep defaultCompiler $HOME/.hmakerc/$MACHINE |cut -d'"' -f2`
-      if [ -f $HMAKEDIR/$MACHINE/hmakerc ]
-      then COMP=`grep defaultCompiler $HMAKEDIR/$MACHINE/hmakerc |cut -d'"' -f2`
+      if [ -f $HMAKECONFDIR/$MACHINE/hmakerc ]
+      then COMP=`grep defaultCompiler $HMAKECONFDIR/$MACHINE/hmakerc |cut -d'"' -f2`
       else COMP=$BUILTBY	# a desparate fallback position
@@ -245,22 +246,32 @@
 # Define the characteristics of each known compiler.
 compilerstyle () {
-  case `basename $1` in
-    hbc)   RTSOPTIONSTYLE=minus
-           CTSOPTIONSTYLE=none
-           IMPORTOPTIONSTYLE=minusi
-           export LMLDIR HBCDIR
-           ;;
-    nhc98*)RTSOPTIONSTYLE=rts
-           CTSOPTIONSTYLE=cts
-           IMPORTOPTIONSTYLE=minusP
-           OD="-od"
-           ;;
-    ghc*)  RTSOPTIONSTYLE=none
-           CTSOPTIONSTYLE=none
-           IMPORTOPTIONSTYLE=minusi
-           ;;
-    *)     ;;
+  COMPILERSTYLE=`basename $1 | cut -c1-3`
+  if    [ $COMPILERSTYLE != hbc ] \
+     && [ $COMPILERSTYLE != ghc ] \
+     && [ $COMPILERSTYLE != nhc ]
+  then
+      COMPILERSTYLE=`$1 2>&1 | head -1 | cut -c1-3`
+  fi
+  case "$COMPILERSTYLE" in
+    hbc) RTSOPTIONSTYLE=minus
+         CTSOPTIONSTYLE=none
+         IMPORTOPTIONSTYLE=minusi
+         export LMLDIR HBCDIR
+         ;;
+    nhc) RTSOPTIONSTYLE=rts
+         CTSOPTIONSTYLE=cts
+         OD="-od"
+         ;;
+    ghc) RTSOPTIONSTYLE=none
+         CTSOPTIONSTYLE=none
+         IMPORTOPTIONSTYLE=minusi
+         ;;
+  *)     echo "No compiler style found" >&2
+         exit 1
+         ;;
--- hmake-3.09.orig/script/hmake-config.inst
+++ hmake-3.09/script/hmake-config.inst
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
 if [ ! -d $HMAKEDIR/$MACHINE ]
--- hmake-3.09.orig/script/hi.inst
+++ hmake-3.09/script/hi.inst
@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@
 #	(also ensures that hi's config is identical to hmake)
 if [ ! -d $HMAKEDIR/$MACHINE ]
--- hmake-3.09.orig/script/confhc
+++ hmake-3.09/script/confhc
@@ -171,6 +171,8 @@
 echo "  Now I'm creating targets/$MACHINE/hmake3.config for your installation."
 INVOKE="$PWD/script/hmake-config $CONFIGPATH"
 { echo "$INVOKE new"
+  if false # Don't care about what happens to be installed for the deb
+  then
   if [ "$HBCKNOWN" != "" ]
   then echo "$INVOKE add hbc"
        echo "$INVOKE add ${HBCKNOWN}"
@@ -193,6 +195,9 @@
   then echo "$INVOKE add nhc98"
        echo "$INVOKE add ${NHCKNOWN}"
+  fi;
+  echo "$INVOKE add-dyn /usr/bin/haskell-compiler";
+  echo "$INVOKE default /usr/bin/haskell-compiler";
 } >targets/$MACHINE/hmake3.config
 echo $BUILDHMAKE >targets/$MACHINE/buildwith
--- hmake-3.09.orig/man/harch.1
+++ hmake-3.09/man/harch.1
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+.TH HARCH 1 local
+harch \- determine machine architecture for nhc98 and hmake
+.B harch
+.I harch
+is a simple script to determine a canonical name for
+your machine architecture in a format that the
+.I nhc98
+compiler and
+.I hmake
+compilation manager will recognise.
+.TP 25
+.B /usr/local/bin/harch
+hmake(1), nhc98(1)
--- hmake-3.09.orig/Makefile
+++ hmake-3.09/Makefile
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
 # This included config is only for the BUILDWITH variable.
 include targets/$(MACHINE)/config.cache
-BUILDCOMP = $(shell echo ${BUILDWITH} | cut -c1-3)
+BUILDCOMPS := ghc nhc hbc gcc
+BUILDCOMP1 := $(shell echo $(notdir ${BUILDWITH}) | cut -c1-3)
+BUILDCOMP2 := $(if $(filter $(BUILDCOMP1), $(BUILDCOMPS)),$(BUILDCOMP1),$(shell ${BUILDWITH} 2>&1 | head -1 | cut -c1-3))
+BUILDCOMP := $(if $(filter $(BUILDCOMP2), $(BUILDCOMPS)),$(BUILDCOMP2),$(error Can't find compiler type))
 HMAKE = src/hmake/Makefile* src/hmake/*.hs src/hmake/README* \
 	src/hmake/HISTORY src/hmake/Summary* \
@@ -40,31 +43,31 @@
 $(TARGDIR)/$(MACHINE)/hmake-nhc: $(HMAKE)
-	cd src/hmake;          $(MAKE) HC=$(BUILDWITH) all config
+	cd src/hmake;          $(MAKE) HC=$(BUILDWITH) BUILDCOMP=$(BUILDCOMP) all config
 	touch $(TARGDIR)/$(MACHINE)/hmake-nhc
 $(TARGDIR)/$(MACHINE)/hmake-hbc: $(HMAKE)
-	cd src/hmake;          $(MAKE) HC=$(BUILDWITH) all config
+	cd src/hmake;          $(MAKE) HC=$(BUILDWITH) BUILDCOMP=$(BUILDCOMP) all config
 	touch $(TARGDIR)/$(MACHINE)/hmake-hbc
 $(TARGDIR)/$(MACHINE)/hmake-ghc: $(HMAKE)
-	cd src/hmake;          $(MAKE) HC=$(BUILDWITH) all config
+	cd src/hmake;          $(MAKE) HC=$(BUILDWITH) BUILDCOMP=$(BUILDCOMP) all config
 	touch $(TARGDIR)/$(MACHINE)/hmake-ghc
 $(TARGDIR)/$(MACHINE)/chmake: $(HMAKEC)
 	@echo "WARNING: hmake might not build correctly from C sources!"
-	cd src/hmake;          $(MAKE) HC=nhc98 fromC config
+	cd src/hmake;          $(MAKE) HC=nhc98 BUILDCOMP=nhc fromC config
 	touch $(TARGDIR)/$(MACHINE)/chmake
 $(TARGDIR)/$(MACHINE)/hi-nhc: $(HMAKE) hmake-nhc
-	cd src/interpreter;    $(MAKE) HC=$(BUILDWITH) all
+	cd src/interpreter;    $(MAKE) HC=$(BUILDWITH) BUILDCOMP=$(BUILDCOMP) all
 	touch $(TARGDIR)/$(MACHINE)/hi-nhc98
 $(TARGDIR)/$(MACHINE)/hi-hbc: $(HMAKE) hmake-hbc
-	cd src/interpreter;    $(MAKE) HC=$(BUILDWITH) all
+	cd src/interpreter;    $(MAKE) HC=$(BUILDWITH) BUILDCOMP=$(BUILDCOMP) all
 	touch $(TARGDIR)/$(MACHINE)/hi-hbc
 $(TARGDIR)/$(MACHINE)/hi-ghc: $(HMAKE) hmake-ghc
-	cd src/interpreter;    $(MAKE) HC=$(BUILDWITH) all
+	cd src/interpreter;    $(MAKE) HC=$(BUILDWITH) BUILDCOMP=$(BUILDCOMP) all
 	touch $(TARGDIR)/$(MACHINE)/hi-ghc
 $(TARGDIR)/$(MACHINE)/chi: $(HMAKEC) chmake
 	@echo "WARNING: hi might not build correctly from C sources!"
-	cd src/interpreter;    $(MAKE) HC=nhc98 fromC
+	cd src/interpreter;    $(MAKE) HC=nhc98 BUILDCOMP=nhc fromC
 	touch $(TARGDIR)/$(MACHINE)/chi
--- hmake-3.09.orig/configure
+++ hmake-3.09/configure
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
     --installdir=*) INSTALLDIR=`echo "$1" | cut -c14-` ;;
     --bindir=*)  BINDIR=`echo "$1" | cut -c10-` ;;
     --libdir=*)  LIBDIR=`echo "$1" | cut -c10-` ;;
+    --confdir=*) CONFDIR=`echo "$1" | cut -c11-` ;;
     --mandir=*)  MANDIR=`echo "$1" | cut -c10-` ;;
     --hbcdir=*)  HBCDIR=`echo "$1" | cut -c10-` ;;
     --ghcdir=*)  GHCDIR=`echo "$1" | cut -c10-` ;;
@@ -111,6 +112,7 @@
   echo "  --installdir=rootdir | Use rootdir as base for installation [/usr/local]"
   echo "  --bindir=dir         Install scripts in dir [rootdir/bin]"
   echo "  --libdir=dir         Install libraries in dir [rootdir/lib/hmake]"
+  echo "  --confdir=dir        Install libraries in dir [libdir]"
   echo "  --mandir=dir         Install man pages in dir [rootdir/man/man1]"
   echo "  [+/-]bin             Do/don't (re-)install scripts [+bin]"
@@ -138,6 +140,7 @@
 INSTALLINFO="config: $MACHINE/$BUILDWITH by $USER@`uname -n` on `date`"
@@ -147,6 +150,7 @@
   CYGWIN*) INSTALLDIR=`cygpath -w "$INSTALLDIR" | tr '\\\\' '/'`
            BUILDDIR=`cygpath -w "$BUILDDIR" | tr '\\\\' '/'`
            LIBDIR=`cygpath -w "$LIBDIR" | tr '\\\\' '/'`
+           CONFDIR=`cygpath -w "$CONFDIR" | tr '\\\\' '/'`
            BINDIR=`cygpath -w "$BINDIR" | tr '\\\\' '/'`
   *) ;;
@@ -178,6 +182,7 @@
   if [ "$LIB" = "yes" ]
     echo "hmake binaries:       $LIBDIR/$MACHINE"
+    echo "hmakerc:              $CONFDIR/$MACHINE"
     echo "Executables and libs: (none)"
@@ -359,13 +364,16 @@
     echo "Adding build scripts for hmake, hmake-config, and hi to"
     echo "    $BUILDBINDIR..."
     sed -e "s|ExecutableDir|$BUILDLIBDIR|" script/hmake.inst |\
+    sed -e "s|ConfDir|$BUILDLIBDIR|" |\
     sed -e "s|InstallVer|$HMAKEVERSION|" |\
     sed -e "s|^BUILTBY=$|BUILTBY=${BUILDWITH}|" |\
     sed -e "s|ScriptDir|$BUILDBINDIR|"   >$BUILDBINDIR/hmake
     sed -e "s|ExecutableDir|$BUILDLIBDIR|" script/hmake-config.inst |\
+    sed -e "s|ConfDir|$BUILDLIBDIR|" |\
     sed -e "s|ScriptDir|$BUILDBINDIR|"   >$BUILDBINDIR/hmake-config
     sed -e "s|ExecutableDir|$BUILDLIBDIR|" script/hi.inst |\
+    sed -e "s|ConfDir|$BUILDLIBDIR|" |\
     sed -e "s|InstallVer|$HMAKEVERSION|" |\
     sed -e "s|ScriptDir|$BUILDBINDIR|"   >$BUILDBINDIR/hi
     chmod +x $BUILDBINDIR/hmake $BUILDBINDIR/hmake-config $BUILDBINDIR/hi
@@ -392,14 +400,17 @@
     cp script/harch $DESTDIR$BINDIR
     echo -n "hmake "
     sed -e "s|ExecutableDir|$LIBDIR|" script/hmake.inst |\
+    sed -e "s|ConfDir|$CONFDIR|" |\
     sed -e "s|InstallVer|$HMAKEVERSION|" |\
     sed -e "s|^BUILTBY=$|BUILTBY=${BUILDWITH}|" |\
     sed -e "s|ScriptDir|$BINDIR|"  >$DESTDIR$BINDIR/hmake
     echo -n "hmake-config "
     sed -e "s|ExecutableDir|$LIBDIR|" script/hmake-config.inst |\
+    sed -e "s|ConfDir|$CONFDIR|" |\
     sed -e "s|ScriptDir|$BINDIR|"  >$DESTDIR$BINDIR/hmake-config
     echo -n "hi "
     sed -e "s|ExecutableDir|$LIBDIR|" script/hi.inst |\
+    sed -e "s|ConfDir|$CONFDIR|" |\
     sed -e "s|InstallVer|$HMAKEVERSION|" |\
     sed -e "s|ScriptDir|$BINDIR|"  >$DESTDIR$BINDIR/hi
@@ -417,11 +428,26 @@
     then mkdir -p $DESTDIR$LIBDIR/$MACHINE;  echo ' (created)'
     else echo ' (exists)'
+    echo "Conf files go into:"
+    echo -n "    $DESTDIR$CONFDIR/$MACHINE"
+    if [ ! -d $DESTDIR$CONFDIR/$MACHINE ]
+    then mkdir -p $DESTDIR$CONFDIR/$MACHINE;  echo ' (created)'
+    else echo ' (exists)'
+    fi
     echo -n "    "
     for file in $BUILDLIBDIR/$MACHINE/*
-      echo -n "`basename $file` "
-      if [ -f $file ]; then cp -p $file $DESTDIR$LIBDIR/$MACHINE; fi
+      FILE="`basename $file`"
+      echo -n "$FILE "
+      if [ -f "$file" ];
+      then
+        if [ "$FILE" = "hmakerc" ]
+        then
+          cp -p $file $DESTDIR$CONFDIR/$MACHINE
+        else
+          cp -p $file $DESTDIR$LIBDIR/$MACHINE
+        fi
+      fi
@@ -451,6 +477,7 @@
 echo "Saving current configuration in targets/$MACHINE/config.cache"
   if [ "$LIBDIR" != "$INSTALLDIR/lib/hmake" ]; then echo "LIBDIR=$LIBDIR" ; fi;
+  if [ "$CONFDIR" != "$LIBDIR" ]; then echo "CONFDIR=$CONFDIR" ; fi;
   if [ "$MANDIR" != "$INSTALLDIR/man/man1" ]; then echo "MANDIR=$MANDIR" ; fi;
   if [ "$BINDIR" != "$INSTALLDIR/bin" ]; then echo "BINDIR=$BINDIR" ; fi;
   if [ "$HBCDIR" != "" ]; then echo "HBCDIR=$HBCDIR" ; fi;
--- hmake-3.09.orig/debian/hi.1.in
+++ hmake-3.09/debian/hi.1.in
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+.TH HI 1 "2003-10-16" "nhc98 Suite" "hmake interactive"
+hmake interactive (hi) \- an interactive Haskell environment
+.B hi
+[-f FILE] [\fIARG\fR]...
+This manual page documents briefly the
+.BR hi
+This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution
+because the original program does not have a manual page.  Instead, it
+has documentation in HTML format; see below.
+.B hi
+is an interactive Haskell environment which uses one of the Haskell
+compilers (ghc, nhc98 or hbc) to do the work. Expressions to be
+evaluated are given at a prompt in a similar way to hugs and ghci.
+.BR \-f " " FILE
+Use FILE, a personal config file, rather than the global config file.
+All other argument are passed on to the underlying compiler.
+the nhc98 homepage
+.UR http://haskell.org/nhc98/
+Happy Version @VERSION@ 
+Copyright (c) 2000 Malcolm Wallace.
+This manual page was written by Ian Lynagh
+<igloo at debian.org>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system
+(but may be used by others).
+.\" Local variables:
+.\" mode: nroff
+.\" End:

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