(un-)deprecation of Control.Monad.Error

Bertram Felgenhauer bertram.felgenhauer at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 29 20:28:25 UTC 2018

Paterson, Ross wrote:
> I think that fail on Either or EitherT has always been the default (error).

By "old" I meant "really old". The instance was changed 8 years ago,
when ghc-7.0.1 was released. You can find traces of it in
Control.Monad.Error in mtl-1.*. mtl-2.* removed those traces. The last
appearance was in mtl-, conditional on the version of base:


Further back in history, mtl-1.0.0 was released with ghc-6.4.1, and
contained the above instance unconditionally; before that, the instance
was in base. I stopped looking at ghc-6.0.1.



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