Deprecating fromIntegral

Henning Thielemann lemming at
Thu Sep 21 13:21:37 UTC 2017

On Thu, 21 Sep 2017, Niklas Hambüchen wrote:

> It is a bit funny how we argue that Haskell is good for high assurance
> programming, and we build all sorts of fancy constructs to eliminate
> more run-time errors, when in fact we do worse than C in detecting
> errors in the most basic types a computer can use, such as converting
> between 64-bit and 32-bit integers.

That's all very true! Other safety oriented languages like Modula-3 at 
least perform a runtime check on integer conversion.

However, I'd like to see practical solutions first before adding 

fromInteger will always be partial when converting to a fixed width 
integer. fromInteger is used for converting number literals to the wanted 
type. Thus every number literal will issue a warning and I cannot see how 
to circumvent this.

Another problem I see is that integralUpsize and integralDownsize are not 
Haskell 98 and multi-parameter type classes are not really satisfying here 
because you have to define n^2 instances for n types. A convenient 
conversion function would certainly need even more advanced types, e.g. 
type-level comparison of bit widths.

If we have fixed fromIntegral then the next natural question would arise: 
How to protect arithmetic operations plus, minus, times against overflow? 
Aren't overflows as dangerous as losing bits on integer conversion? Is 
there a solution that works both for conversion and arithmetics?

For now the least invasive solution would be to provide a partial integer 
conversion function.

> So I propose that we add a deprecation pragma to `fromIntegral`
> (however, keeping it forever, like Java does, as there's no benefit to
> removing it, we just want that people use safer functions over time),
> and instead provide a `safeFromIntegral` that can only widen ranges, and
> one or more `unsafeFromIntegral` or appropriately named functions that
> can error, wrap, return Maybe, or have whatever desired behaviour when
> the input value doesn't fit into the output type.

As always, I object to use the terms 'safe' and 'unsafe' when actually 
'total' and 'partial' are meant. LLVM uses 'ext' and 'trunc'. I'd prefer 
names along these lines.

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