Inaccurate docs for atomically

Bertram Felgenhauer bertram.felgenhauer at
Sun Nov 12 19:41:11 UTC 2017

Andrew Martin wrote:
> In the stm package, the docs for atomically read:
> > You cannot use 'atomically' inside an 'unsafePerformIO' or
> 'unsafeInterleaveIO'. Any attempt to do so will result in a runtime error.
>  (Reason: allowing this would effectively allow a transaction inside a
> transaction, depending on exactly when the thunk is evaluated.)
> This doesn't seem to be true. The following program runs fine:
>     import Control.Monad.STM
>     import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
>     import System.IO.Unsafe
>     main :: IO ()
>     main = do
>       v <- atomically $ newTVar (7 :: Int)
>       print $ unsafePerformIO $ atomically $ do
>         readTVar v
> I suspect that the runtime only gives you an error if you actually create a
> nested transaction. Is my understanding correct?

Yes, that is correct. But you should not conclude from this that using
`unsafePerformIO`, in particular in connection with STM, is safe in any
way. Consider the following program, especially the `main2` function:

  import Control.Monad.STM
  import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
  import System.IO.Unsafe
  import Control.Concurrent.MVar
  import Control.Concurrent
  import Control.Monad
  import System.Mem
  -- This is not very scary but bad news for compositionality:
  -- using STM inside `unsafePerformIO`, used inside `atomically`,
  -- causes an error.
  -- output:
  -- foo: Control.Concurrent.STM.atomically was nested

  main1 = do
      let val = unsafePerformIO (atomically (return (0 :: Int)))
      atomically (return $! val) >>= print
  -- This one is much worse:
  -- There is no use of STM in the unsafePerformIO-ed action, but the
  -- program ends up taking a resource (an MVar here) without releasing
  -- it; it turns out that when retrying an STM action that is in the
  -- middle of an unsafePerformIO computation, the IO action is stopped
  -- without raising an exception!
  -- output (tested with ghc 7.10.2, 8.0.2 and 8.2.1, but I see no way
  --   to ensuring that it always works):
  -- foo: thread blocked indefinitely in an MVar operation

  main2 = do
      var <- newMVar ()
      tvar <- atomically $ newTVar (0 :: Int)
      let val v = unsafePerformIO $
          withMVar var $ \_ -> threadDelay 10000 >> return v
      replicateM_ 32 $ do
          forkIO $ atomically (readTVar tvar >>= (writeTVar tvar $!) . val . succ)
      threadDelay 100000
      takeMVar var >>= print

  main = main2



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