Deprecate Foldable for Either

Tony Morris tonymorris at
Mon Mar 20 02:30:52 UTC 2017

What intuition exactly? Demonstrate it to me so that I may empathise with
it. What pain? Show it to me. Are you sure it's intuition and not something
else? How are you so sure?

On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 12:28 PM, Artyom Kazak <yom at> wrote:

> On 20 Mar 2017 1:31 a.m., "Tony Morris" <tonymorris at> wrote:
> "But the inconsistency with my intuition for the function named
> l-e-n-g-t-h that I learned in C programming school in the 1980s" is the
> best criteria that I have seen, and which commands outright dismissal.
> This is exactly my criterion (except that I learned English, not C), and I
> do not agree with you that it "commands outright dismissal". There is value
> in functions being as general as possible, etc, but there is also value in
> conforming to human intuitions – because it prevents people from shooting
> themselves in their feet. Whether those intuitions come from math, or from
> C, or from English, or elsewhere, is entirely irrelevant. If behavior of
> `length` fully conforms to your intuitions, that's splendid and you're
> lucky; however, for me and my usecases it's *only* a source of pain, and I
> want a way to free myself of that pain (without having to learn another
> language or spend time trying to change my intuitions).
> Wanting to make one's life easier is not an unreasonable desire.

Tony Morris
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