Proposal: simplify type of ($)

Theodore Lief Gannon tanuki at
Thu Dec 28 02:39:54 UTC 2017

So far as pedagogy is concerned, ($) is already one of those things people
tend to learn how to use before they really understand the mechanism. And
for my part, I think if it were immediately obvious that it's just infix
id, it would have helped my early understanding of id! +1 from the peanut

On Dec 27, 2017 6:17 PM, "David Feuer" <david.feuer at> wrote:

> Currently, we have something like
>     ($) :: forall r1 r2 (a :: TYPE r1) (b :: TYPE r2).
>       (a -> b) -> a -> b
>     f $ x = f x
> And that's only part of the story: GHC has a hack in the type checker to
> give ($) an impredicative type when fully applied. This allows it to be
> used when its function argument requires a polymorphic argument.
> This whole complicated situation could be resolved in a very simple
> manner: change the type and definition thus.
>     ($) :: a -> a
>     ($) f = f
> All the type complications go away altogether, and ($) becomes plain
> Haskell 98.
> There are only three potential downsides I can think of:
> 1. The optimizer will see `($) x` as fully applied, which could change its
> behavior in some cases. There might be circumstances where that is bad. I
> doubt there will be many.
> 2. The new type signature may obscure the purpose of the operator to
> beginners. But based on my experience on StackOverflow, it seems beginners
> tend to struggle with the idea of ($) anyway; this may not make it much
> worse. I suspect good Haddocks will help alleviate this concern.
> 3. Some type family and class instances may not be resolved under certain
> circumstances which I suspect occur very rarely in practice.
>     class C a where
>       m :: (a -> a) -> ()
>     instance C (a -> b) where
>       m _ = ()
>     test :: ()
>     test = m ($)
> Today, this compiles with no difficulties; with the proposed change, the
> user would have to supply a type signature to make it work:
>     test = m (($) :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b))
> This can also change when an INCOHERENT instance is selected under
> similarly contrived circumstances, but those who use such generally deserve
> what they get.
> David
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