Functor, Applicative, Monad, Foldable, Traversable instances for (, , ) a b

Sven Panne svenpanne at
Sat Apr 1 16:25:44 UTC 2017

2017-04-01 12:32 GMT+02:00 Ivan Lazar Miljenovic <ivan.miljenovic at>

> [...] The name of the length function is misleading for such instances
> (with all respect to Tony, agreed; but see above); I don't think I've
> seen anyone else complain about any of the other function names
> though. [...]

OK, hereby I officially complain about the other stuff which makes no sense
for tuples:

   maximum (3,2)   =>   2
   minimum (4,5)   => 5
   sum (6,7)   =>   7
   product (8,9)   =>   9

Consistent? Yes. Is it really something you expect? No. Do you want this
during refactoring? Definitely not.
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