Proposal: add Monoid1 and Semigroup1 classes

Edward Kmett ekmett at
Sat Oct 1 21:26:12 UTC 2016

Re 2 for rank-2, there is already precedent for using 2 for lifting over
two arguments, so semantic confusion sadly remains:


Eq2 p means Eq a, Eq b => Eq (p a b)


Eq2 p means Eq a => Eq1 (p a)


On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 11:08 AM, Mario Blažević <blamario at> wrote:

> On 2016-10-01 04:07 AM, Edward Kmett wrote:
>> I'm somewhat weakly against these, simply because they haven't seen broad
>> adoption in the wild in any of the attempts to introduce them elsewhere,
>> and they don't quite fit the naming convention of the other Foo1 classes in
>> Data.Functor.Classes
>> Eq1 f says more or less that Eq a => Eq (f a).
>> Semigroup1 in your proposal makes a stronger claim. Semgiroup1 f  is
>> saying forall a. (f a) is a semigroup parametrically. Both of these
>> constructions could be useful, but they ARE different constructions.
>     The standard fully parametric classes like Functor and Monad have no
> suffix at all. It makes sense to reserve the suffix "1" for non-parametric
> lifting classes. Can you suggest a different naming scheme for parametric
> classes of a higher order?
>     I'm also guilty of abusing the suffix "1", at least provisionally, but
> these are different beasts yet again:
>   -- | Equivalent of 'Functor' for rank 2 data types
>   class Functor1 g where
>   fmap1 :: (forall a. p a -> q a) -> g p -> g q
>     What would be a proper suffix here? I guess Functor2 would make sense,
> for a rank-2 type?
>> If folks had actually been using, say, the Plus and Alt classes from
>> semigroupoids or the like more or less at all pretty much anywhere, I could
>> maybe argue towards bringing them up towards base, but I've seen almost
>> zero adoption of the ideas over multiple years -- and these represent yet
>> _another_ point in the design space where we talk about semigroupal and
>> monoidal structures where f is a Functor instead. =/
>> Many points in the design space, and little demonstrated will for
>> adoption seems to steers me to think that the community isn't ready to pick
>> one and enshrine it some place central yet.
>> Overall, -1.
>> -Edward
>> On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 7:25 PM, David Feuer <david.feuer at
>> <mailto:david.feuer at>> wrote:
>>     I've been playing around with the idea of writing Haskell 2010
>>     type classes for finite sequences and non-empty sequences,
>>     somewhat similar to Michael Snoyman's Sequence class in
>>     mono-traversable. These are naturally based on Monoid1 and
>>     Semigroup1, which I think belong in base.
>>     class Semigroup1 f where
>>       (<<>>) :: f a -> f a -> f a
>>     class Semigroup1 f => Monoid1 f where
>>       mempty1 :: f a
>>     Then I can write
>>     class (Monoid1 t, Traversable t) => Sequence t where
>>       singleton :: a -> t a
>>       -- and other less-critical methods
>>     class (Semigroup1 t, Traversable1 t) => NESequence where
>>       singleton1 :: a -> t a
>>       -- etc.
>>     I can, of course, just write my own, but I don't think I'm the
>>     only one using such.
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