Traversal order newtypes for Data.Tree, and Ord instances

David Feuer david.feuer at
Sun Nov 27 19:10:24 UTC 2016

Data.Tree.Tree has Foldable and Traversable instances for traversing a
tree in preorder. Should we add the derived Ord instance to match?
Should we offer newtypes for traversing in post-order and level-order
with Eq and Ord instances to match? I've made coercions explicit
below, rather than relying on map/coerce rules, to make performance
characteristics clearer.

deriving instance Ord a => Ord (Tree a)

newtype PostOrder a = PostOrder {getPostOrder :: Tree a} deriving
(Show, Read, Functor)

instance Foldable PostOrder where
  foldMap f (PostOrder (Node a ts)) = foldMap (foldMap f . PostOrder) ts <> f a

instance Traversable PostOrder where
  traverse f (PostOrder (Node a ts)) =
    (\ts' a' -> PostOrder (Node a' (coerce ts')))
      <$> traverse (traverse f . PostOrder) ts
      <*> f a

instance Eq a => Eq (PostOrder a) where
  PostOrder a1 ts1 == PostOrder a2 ts2 =
    (coerce `asTypeOf` map PostOrder) ts1 == coerce ts2 && a1 == a2

instance Ord a => Ord (PostOrder a) where
  PostOrder a1 ts1 `compare` PostOrder a2 ts2 =
    ((coerce `asTypeOf` map PostOrder) ts1 `compare` coerce ts2)
       <> (a1 `compare` a2)

newtype LevelOrder a = LevelOrder {getLevelOrder :: Tree a} deriving
(Show, Read, Functor)

I'm still working out the best ways to perform level-order folds and
traversals. One option for Foldable is

instance Foldable LevelOrder where
  foldr c n (LevelOrder (Node a ts)) = a `c` frlof c n ts
      frlof :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [Tree a] -> b
      frlof _c n [] = n
      frlof c n ts = roots
          (roots, forest) = uzt c (frlof c n forest) ts

      uzt :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [Tree a] -> (b, [Tree a])
      uzt _c n [] = (n, [])
      uzt c n (Node a fr : ts) = (a `c` n', fr ++ ts')
        where (n', ts') = uzt c n ts

David Feuer

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