Discussion: add more idiomatic versions of catchJust and/or handleJust

Oliver Charles ollie at ocharles.org.uk
Thu Jul 14 16:56:21 UTC 2016

On Tue, 12 Jul 2016, 1:23 a.m. David Feuer, <david.feuer at gmail.com> wrote:

> The catchJust and handleJust functions seem a bit weird and unidiomatic.
> catchJust
>         :: Exception e
>         => (e -> Maybe b)         -- ^ Predicate to select exceptions
>         -> IO a                   -- ^ Computation to run
>         -> (b -> IO a)            -- ^ Handler
>         -> IO a
> catchJust p a handler = catch a handler'
>   where handler' e = case p e of
>                         Nothing -> throwIO e
>                         Just b  -> handler b
> This takes two functions and then puts them together. I would think the
> more natural API would be
> catchMaybe :: Exception e => IO a -> (e -> Maybe (IO a)) -> IO a
> catchMaybe m handler = catch m handler' where
>   handler' e = fromMaybe (throwIO e) (handler e)
A point don't feel super strongly about, but feel I should raise, is that
Nothing seems to be somewhat confusing. catchJust (\FileNotFound ->
Nothing) seems to suggest that if FileNotFound occurs then nothing will
happen, that is - the exception is ignored. However, that is not the case,
rather than Nothing happening something certainly happens - an exception is

Whether or not this confusion is likely to happen in practice I don't know,
but it suggests a type isomorphic to Maybe is a better fit.

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