Haskell Foldable Wats

Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at microsoft.com
Wed Feb 24 09:04:49 UTC 2016

|  So, my advice is to use tuples only for very short-lived data, like
|  returning multiple results from a function.  

I strongly agree, for all the reasons Andreas mentions.  GHC's source code has *lots* of data types that are isomorphic to tuples.  Crucial!


|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: Libraries [mailto:libraries-bounces at haskell.org] On Behalf Of
|  Andreas Abel
|  Sent: 24 February 2016 08:58
|  To: Nathan Bouscal <nbouscal at gmail.com>; libraries at haskell.org
|  Subject: Re: Haskell Foldable Wats
|  In my n+1 years of participating in a 100kloc Haskell project, I
|  learned that programming with the "categorical" data type building
|  blocks "Either" and tuples leads to code that is hard to read and
|  maintain.  It is tempting to use a pair
|     type QNamed a = (QName, a)
|  instead of a hand-rolled data type
|     data QNamed a = QNamed { qname :: QName, qnamedThing :: a }
|  since with pairs, I get lots of operations for free, and even more if I
|  use Functor and Traversable, it seems.  However, in the long run, if I
|  come back after months to my original code, or even worse, to someone
|  else's code, I dearly pay for this:
|     1. Harder to read the code, as I may only see the non-telling "fst"
|  and "snd" instead of the semantics-loaden "qname" and "qnamedThing".
|     2. Lack of code exploration facilities like grep and tags.  I can
|  grep for "QName" and "qname", but grepping for "," and "fst" returns
|  lots of irrelevant locations.
|     3. Non-telling error messages.
|  And all the arguments of using newtypes over type synonyms apply here
|  as well.
|  So, my advice is to use tuples only for very short-lived data, like
|  returning multiple results from a function.  I am speaking here of
|  Haskell as a language for software development, not of Haskell as a
|  realization of category theory.
|  For getting a broader acceptance of Haskell as a language for software
|  development, Foldable on tuples is not helpful.
|  And yes, if I was new to Haskell and learned the GHCI thinks that
|     minimum (1,2) == 1
|  then I would advice GHCI to visit some mental institution to get its
|  delusions fixed.
|  --Andreas
|  On 23.02.2016 18:29, Nathan Bouscal wrote:
|  > Sorry, poor quoting on my part. I was attempting to reply to
|  Andreas's
|  > earlier points:
|  >
|  >  >> Use of tuples is highly discourageable…
|  >>>I see no point in Functor or Foldable for tuples.
|  >
|  > On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 5:18 PM, Mario Blažević <mblazevic at stilo.com
|  > <mailto:mblazevic at stilo.com>> wrote:
|  >
|  >     On 16-02-23 11:23 AM, Nathan Bouscal wrote:
|  >
|  >         It's a bit bold to simultaneously say "Nobody should use this
|  >         type," and
|  >         also "If you use this type, you should do it this way." If
|  you think
|  >         that it's bad practice to use tuples, that's a fine and
|  respectable
|  >         opinion, but at that point you should start being a bit more
|  >         wary about
|  >         telling those who think otherwise /how/ they should use them.
|  >
|  >
|  >              I believe he was referring to lists, not to tuples.
|  There
|  >     were  few Prelude functions limited to tuples before FTP, and
|  those
|  >     haven't changed.
|  >
|  >
|  >
|  >         On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 1:10 PM, Marcin Mrotek
|  >         <marcin.jan.mrotek at gmail.com
|  >         <mailto:marcin.jan.mrotek at gmail.com>
|  >         <mailto:marcin.jan.mrotek at gmail.com
|  >         <mailto:marcin.jan.mrotek at gmail.com>>> wrote:
|  >
|  >              > I can assure you that Andreas is not delusional
|  >
|  >              I didn't say that. I was referring to his response to my
|  >         post, that
|  >              "Some delusions have very sophisticated explanations."
|  >
|  >              > You have to show good taste or you'll end up with a
|  mess
|  >         that might be logically consistent, but unpleasant to use.
|  >
|  >              This is entirely subjective, and frankly I don't think
|  that
|  >         post-FTP
|  >              Haskell is a "mess" or is "unpleasant to use". If
|  anything,
|  >         it became
|  >              more useful to me, because now Prelude functions aren't
|  >         limited to the
|  >              one data structure I almost never use.
|  >
|  >              Best regards,
|  >              Marcin Mrotek
|  >
|  >
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|  --
|  Andreas Abel  <><      Du bist der geliebte Mensch.
|  Department of Computer Science and Engineering Chalmers and Gothenburg
|  University, Sweden
|  andreas.abel at gu.se
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