Why is there no Monoid instance for Either?

Francesco Mazzoli f at mazzo.li
Thu Nov 27 17:29:28 UTC 2014


Lately, I found myself wanting to use the following Monoid instance:

instance (Monoid b) => Monoid (Either a b) where
  mempty = Right mempty

  Left e  `mappend` _       = Left e
  _       `mappend` Left e  = Left e
  Right x `mappend` Right y = Right (x `mappend` y)

It would seem quite justified to me, given the left-bias of Either
elsewhere in base.  Is there any particular reason why it shouldn't be

It would break the instance for Either in `semigroups`, which is

instance Semigroup (Either a b) where
  Left _ <> b = b
  a      <> _ = a

But I think mine is more useful, and has the additional advantage of
having `mappend` to behave very similar to the `mappend` for `Maybe`.


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