Let's make takeWhile fuse!

David Feuer david.feuer at gmail.com
Tue Jul 22 02:29:32 UTC 2014

`takeWhile` doesn't do the stream fusion thing. This definition seems
to fix that, at least to a great extent. I don't know how to write the
necessary rules to make this definition be used in the right places.

takeWhile :: forall a . (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
takeWhile p xs = build tw'
    tw' :: forall b . (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b
    tw' kons knil = foldr go knil xs
        go x rest | p x       = x `kons` rest
                  | otherwise = knil

Tests (performed on 7.8.3, but the definition hasn't changed in HEAD):

In the trivial

main = print $ length $ takeWhile (< 10000000) [(1::Int) .. 20000000]

it fused completely, allocating virtually nothing, whereas using
Prelude.takeWhile (on 7.8.3) required a whopping 1,360,049,352

In the more complex

main = print $ length $ filter (\x -> x `rem` 3 == 0) $ takeWhile (<
10000000) $ filter even  [(1::Int) .. 20000000]

it fused partially, allocating 266,716,048 bytes.

The current GHC definition allocates 746,716,000 bytes in this case
(strangely, less than it used for the simple test)!

David Feuer

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