qualified imports, PVP and so on (Was: add new Data.Bits.Bits(bitZero) method)

MightyByte mightybyte at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 23:28:14 UTC 2014

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Vincent Hanquez <tab at snarc.org> wrote:
> I'm not saying this is not painful, but i've done it in the past, and using
> dichotomy and educated guesses (for example not using libraries released
> after a certain date), you converge pretty quickly on a solution.
> But the bottom line is that it's not the common use case. I rarely have to
> dig old unused code.

And I have code that I would like to have working today, but it's too
expensive to go through this process.  The code has significant value
to me and other people, but not enough to justify the large cost of
getting it working again.

> This is moot IMHO. A large organisation would *not* rely on cabal, nor the
> PvP to actually download packages properly:

Sorry, let me rephrase.  s/Large organizations/organizations/  Not
everyone is big enough to devote the kind of resources it would take
to set up their own system.  I've personally worked at two such
companies.  Building tools that can serve the needs of these
organizations will help the Haskell community as a whole.

> Not only this is insecure, and as Michael mentioned, you would not get the
> guarantee you need anyway.

In many cases security doesn't matter because code doesn't interact
with the outside world.  We're not talking about guaranteeing that
building with a later version is buggy.  We're talking about
guaranteeing that the package will work the way it always worked.
It's kind of a package-level purity/immutability.

> Even if the above wasn't an issue, Haskell doesn't run in a bubble. I don't
> expect old ghc and old packages to work with newer operating systems and
> newer libraries forever.

I don't expect this either.  I expect old packages to work the way
they always worked with the packages they always worked with.

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