Fwd: [Haskell-cafe] Filing bugs for haskell packages

Ganesh Sittampalam ganesh at earth.li
Sat Feb 8 16:29:57 UTC 2014

For what it's worth, I did exactly this for the
http at projects.haskell.org list which is listed as the maintainer in the
cabal file, and the list is overwhelmed by spam.

Some subscribers even get bounced off it by mailman every so often
because their own spam filtering is better than the pre-list filtering,
and so they bounce enough of the messages that mailman sends them to
trigger the "broken email address" check.

I'm vaguely planning on giving up and going back to having myself only
listed as maintainer as a result. I definitely wouldn't want people to
have to subscribe to email the maintainer address though.

On 07/02/2014 14:01, Niklas Hambüchen wrote:
> Being able to post without subscription sounds sensible.
> I'm subscribed to > 10 mailing lists of projects for which I report less
> than a bug per year because of exactly this problem, and it is very
> annoying.
> Even if you take the extra effort and go through a sign up/off for every
> single bug you want to report, this doesn't really work because you
> might miss replies in between the signed-up periods, and while you are
> signed up you get all the clutter from the mailing list that is
> unrelated to your problem.
> I recall other projects implementing an open-mailing-list principle
> (posting without subscription), and I think it works great.
> On 07/02/14 13:47, Richard Eisenberg wrote:
>> Hi libraries,
>> The message below came through Cafe. It reports a problem when emailing
>> libraries at haskell.org <mailto:libraries at haskell.org>, which is listed as
>> the maintainer of several public packages. Yet, the list does not accept
>> emails from non-subscribers. These two facts seem to be at odds, and
>> turns people away from reporting bugs. Can we fix this? Or, do we want a
>> separate, world-writable libraries-bugs at haskell.org
>> <mailto:libraries-bugs at haskell.org>?
>> Thanks!
>> Richard
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