Proposal: Non-allocating way to iterate over a Data.Map: traverseWithKey_

Ryan Newton rrnewton at
Thu Aug 1 16:58:48 CEST 2013

> I believe implementing traverseWithKey_ using a foldWithKey is
> quite natural (you want to go over the elements and do something with
> them, in this case perform some action on them). I expected it to work
> and I am surprised it does not. So for me it is the other way around --
> I have a function which I expected to behave nice as a fold and it does
> not

Re: expectations.  You don't get a funny feeling when monadic values are
used as first class rather than second class ;-)?  Whether in the
accumulator of a fold, or in cases like this:

  do act <- f x

My expectation was that the optimizer would have more trouble.  But maybe
that's off base.

  Also, heap
> allocation is quite cheap in Haskell, sometimes faster implementations
> of containers methods allocate more memory (but we usually do not use
> them and prefer less allocation). Wanting to avoid allocation sometimes
> causes to avoid higher order functions and advanced functional
> techniques, which is also not ideal.

Yes, my situation, which I agree is a minority position, is that I work on
and care about parallelism.  The current state of GHC is that it does NOT
have a scalable GC, and virtually *every* parallel program that contains
"idiomatic Haskell" levels of allocation fails to scale rather quickly as
you increase threads.  I.e. you quickly get to productivities of less than
50%.  (Not necessarily at 32 threads either, often you are up against this
wall at 8 or less.)

So for the time being good parallel Haskell programs are low-allocating
parallel Haskell programs.
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