GHC bus error on Network.BSD.getHostByName

Gregory Collins greg at
Mon Sep 14 15:45:49 EDT 2009

Sebastiaan Visser <sfvisser at> writes:

> Hello all,
> Before I file a bug maybe someone might recognize the following error and knows
> if I should blame GHC or someone at Apple. When trying to  use the
> Network.BSD.getHostByName function ghci exits with a bus  error. The same thing
> happens with ghc --make and runghc.

Hey Sebastiaan!

Did you try "cabal install -O2 --global --reinstall network"?

I haven't tried GHC on Snow Leopard yet, but there was a thread on
haskell-cafe about which files you need to hack to tell Snow Leopard's
tools to build/link/etc in 32-bit mode. I suspect that might be the
issue here.

Gregory Collins <greg at>

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