Thinking about what's missing in our library coverage

Malcolm Wallace malcolm.wallace at
Thu Aug 6 10:18:25 EDT 2009

> No, not at all - the licensee of the library is the person  
> statically linking the library into their executable and  
> distributing it.  The license specifically governs their obligations.

Oh, my mistake, yes you are right.  However I believe the whole para  
is just a clarification of 6(a).

> Suppose I want to distribute an executable statically linked with  
> HaXml, what do I have to do to comply with clause 6?

My reading of the phrase "any data and utility programs needed for  
reproducing the executable from it" is that you may not attempt to get  
round the requirements of the license by providing the proprietary  
parts of your software in a format that requires the use of special  
tools (like a linker) that are not otherwise freely available.  This  
might also be intended to exclude techniques like encryption, unless  
you supply the key etc.

So, in the specific case of HaXml, there is no additional burden on you.


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