Deciding on the decision model for adding and excluding packages

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at
Mon Aug 3 10:10:51 EDT 2009

Hi Simon,

> I'd argue against having a points system: such things also tend to produce unsatisfactory results, so you end up tweaking
> the weightings to get the results you did want.

I strongly agree with this (and have argued against Duncan and Don on
this before) - 100% coverage is something nice to have if you go about
it the right way. If you are required to have 100% coverage (or any
other metric) then you cheat. Aim for quality packages, and if someone
thinks about test coverage that indicates quality - even if they
decide in this particular case coverage is a little meaningless.

> On a concrete note, I think we should seriously consider putting gtk2hs in the platform.  As someone pointed out recently (I forget
> who, sorry!) the point of the platform is to give you the hard-to-install pieces, and gtk2hs is one such piece.  Having gtk2hs would
> be a significant step up in terms of functionality, though.

YES! Gtk2hs is wonderful, and never has an up to date GHC release. I
currently don't care too much about the platform (I've got a copy of
cabal install and its not really aimed at me anyway) - but if you
bundle network, hmatrix and gtk2hs then I can't imagine any Windows
user who wouldn't install it.



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